I know not exactly aero related, but I had a guy in for lunch at my work who works at the Renault factory and I overheard him talking about some 'seriously trick exhaust bits' they were working on. Aparently some of the engineers had been discussing it at a karting event
=D> and another teams' senoir guys heard what they were saying and called up the Renault F1 top brass to comment on how interesting it was! The guy I heard said the entire factory had been called together and given a good bollocking by Lopez and told it was a diciplinary matter if they ever found out who it was!
Any engine guys got any crazy ideas as to what they might be up to, or will it be on every car by March with this idea being leaked this far before the season, and no longer be 'trick' at all?
Or could this be the 'dead zone' all again?!