2014-2020 Formula One 1.6l V6 turbo engine formula

All that has to do with the power train, gearbox, clutch, fuels and lubricants, etc. Generally the mechanical side of Formula One.
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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


Every time you burn fossil fuels it releases extra CO2 into the eco system.
So you plant more trees and then more trees and then more trees but you do not reduce the total amount of CO2 in the eco system, that continues to rise in direct proportion to the amount of fossil fuel you burn, you just tie up more land with trees on it, to justify burning more and more fossil fuels.
It is one of the primary capitalist illusions sold to the people as a kind of moral justification. It is in fact just another lie.
You will eventualy end up with either, uncontrolled global warming, or the whole earth covered in trees and fossil fuel burning machines, the choice is ours.

F1 could be leading change, the alternatives are either readily available or in development. It is only human economics and greed that is preventing the required speed of change. Nothing is going to prevent the development of electric traction and alternate energy sources. To ignore this is to confirm you are from the stone age, 'burn it and throw it away.'

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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


Trees are an incredibly inefficient carbon "sink", as they have a very short lifespan compared to the fossil fuels that have sat underground for millions of years.

In the blink of an eye (geologically speaking) that carbon is absorbed by the tree, which dies, starts to decay and releases a large proportion of that carbon as methane during the decomposition process : CH4 is also a greenhouse gas, which just happens to be 20 times more potent than C02 ...

carbon sinks were floated as an idea so that rich nations could pay off poor nations, so poor nations would avoid developing their infrastructure and rich nations could get away with making the most cosmetic of changes.

Right : that is enough talk of Global warming, as it is frakkin' FREEZING here in sheffield and I am huddling by my PC for warmth.

I was enjoying reading your ideas about the potential innovations in the forthcoming engine format : can we get back to that?

I might not have much to contribute, but I was certainly learning a lot!
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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


WhiteBlue wrote: The harvesting will occur in very short bursts of typically less than 2 s and that should be ok for the A123 prismatic cells to be used in 33C mode.
I have given you the written reference to that.
Beyond that I can only say that we are not in the same position as the teams who probably have access to customized battery systems with more advanced capabilities.
No WB, you have given no reference to any source, that it is possible to charge these accus with 33C.
The references in the file I posted and in other publications, all refer to the discharge rate.
You make the assumption, that the process is 1:1 reversable, which it is not.

At the same time, you choose to ignore the other figures given in the same paper, because they don´t support your theory. But this is fine with me, don´t worry.
I´m sure you have made up your mind, and won´t listen anyway, nevertheless for any other reader here, I will try to get some things straight, and waybe at the end WB will be a happy person, because he is 70% right.
After all, it´s Christmas, so this is my present to him:

From the limited freely published data about the A123 cells, we can get the following informations.

The cells have a nominal voltage of 3.3V@0.2C load.
If the load increases, the voltage will drop, due to the internal resistance of the cells.
The operational temperature limit is ~60°C, higher temperature will weaken the cell and the will loose capacity and cycle life.
The cells are able to whitstand burst of 33C discharge rate (some sources claim up to 60C).
On the A123 website is a max. charge current from 12C published which will result in ~90% in 5 min. charge/capacity ( I will come to that later)
The max. charging voltage per cell is 3.7V, higher voltage will result in destruction of the cell. (this is important, as we will see)

WB has assumed a cell voltage of 2.75V for his calculations, accoding to the informations we have, this is the cell voltage @ a 16C discharge, but we are looking for the double. Published data is availible up to 20.5C discharge rates.
The quoted cell voltage is 2.61V (not 2.75). But we looking for a even higher rate
30-33C. From the data given some pages ago, I have compiled the following table.


To the best of my knowledge, and fom the data availible, I have extapolated the values up to 33C, but I´m happy fo people to come foward with better data and prove me wrong, no problem with that.
For "my" calculations I will use a value of 2,41V per cell at 33C load.
Following WB´s choosen voltage level of ~305V we will need to add cells to our battery to have this voltage under load.
We need to increase our cell count to 127 cells and will have ~306V, we will keep our 3 cells in parallel to account fo the current needed.
Now we have 127x3=381 cells.
At 0,40kg pro cell our battery will weight in at ~152 kg.
This is for the cells only, it does not include the housing and not cooling.
And we will need a lot of cooling, as we will see.

So, now we have a battery powerful enough, to supply the requiered energy to make ~333kW power for 12s - no problem (306V*11A*3(cells parallel)*33(C)=333kW
(we just need two 18,5mm thick cables to get the current to our MGU´s, but that´s all cool), but this was not our challenge.
As we maybe only can spend 120kW in drive mode anyway (depending on the rules).

How we get the energy back into the battery?
Can we charge with 33C (that´s 333A) and why does A123 says max 12C charge?
Now if we look at the table and the highlighted yellow field, after I have converted the temp. values into °C, we see the answer. At ~12C we each the max. permitted temperature of ~60°C. As A123 probably does not expect the customers to put the batter into the fridge while charging, this is the "safety" limit.
Now, I see WB´s face light up, he will say, no problem, we water cool the battery anyway, so is he right?
Allmost, one small problem, we can´t have a higher voltage then 3.7V per cell (~468V for our battery, I will use 3.68V for my calcs), otherwise our cells will
Every battery has a lower internal resistance when it is empty, for a given voltage, this defines our charging current. As the charge increase (and thereby the voltage of the battery), the difference between the cell voltage (which is around 2.5V when empty) and or chaging voltage decreases and therefore our charging current. To keep the charging current, we would need to increase the voltage. But as in the case of this battery type the max. Voltage is limited to 3.7V our current will decrease untill it is allmost zero, when the battery is fully charged.
That´s why A123 says quickcarge 90% of capacity after 5min. It is not possible to quickcharge 100% without exceeding the max. cell voltage.
O.K. long story short, I have tried to back engineer the charging current, and that´s in the last (green) colum.
In average, we will, theoretical, be able to charge with ~213A if we provide a voltage of ~470V. (470V*213A*3 = ~300kW), and thereby tranfer ~300kW, which over our average 12s would make ~3.6MJ
Various sources quote the cycle efficiency of these type of battery with 90% in high load mode, such as an HEV. 300kW/333kW=0.9=90%.
Therfore I think, my estimates are not totally "on the mooon", but I´m happy to correct some parts, if somebody can provide better data.
The last line in the table (red) and the last colum (green) are values I have extrapolated, the other data a based on published test data.
So, everybody can make up his own mind, if he want´s to take them or not.

Now where does all that leaves us? Was WB at the end right?
Perhaps, allmost. It this theoretical a possibility? Yes !
Would any team in it´s right mind trying to attempt a system like this?
I don´t think so, but feel fee to make your own judgement.

Some other "fact´s?" based on published data:

If we take the battery efficiency as 90%, that means we turn 33,3kW into heat, that does not include the MGU´s or inverters, nor the cables and connectors.
To provide some perspective the heating system of a average single family house in Western Europe has ~18-20kW
(but we use it perhaps more then 7,68h per day, which is the equvivalent to 19.2s/minute)
So some good cooling is requiered.

At an price of 4,25$/Wh, such a battery would cost 3,3V*127*11Ah*3*4,25$/Wh=~58800$
(this does not include any labour, the housing or cooling system, just the cell price)

At a load of 16C the lifecylce is quoted with 280 cycles, as we use around the double, we may want to cut this in half 140 cycles = laps.
Which brings us in the ballpark of the quoted 2 races per battery, which is claimed from the 2009KERS
In a roundabout way, this would make 58800$*20races/2*2cars= ~1.2 Mill$/year per team. In reality the costs will be most likely higher.
This calculation was just for "giggles"

If we take our battery weigth, and add some weight for the 3MGU´s and inverters, we may say the car will be 185kg heavier, as the same car with no KERS.
If we take the 0.3s/10kg rule, the Renault F1 engineer has mentioned.
We have made our car ~2,55sec a lap slower, compare to a car with the same engine but without KERS.
If we take our 3.6MJ energy budget and spend it on a 75s lap, which means 63s where we not brake, and let´s say we have only 40s where we are not traction limited, we can average the energy over 40s into 90kW more power, then a non KERS car.
Assuming a 640kg KERS car and a 450kW I4turbo engine that´s 450kW+90kW/640kg=~0,85kW/kg

a non KERS car, if we did not have the min. weight limit would have 450kW/640kg-185kg = ~0,99kW/kg

both would have the same fuel (weight goes on top) and the same tires. Chances are that the ligther car would be able to use the softer tire for longer etc.

Some other calcs to put the "it´s no problem" statement into perspective:


in reality, it would be better to have 3 accu packs and inverter, one at each MGU.
But I´m not sure you can package 2 accu packs into the front nose.
If we use 3 systems, the current comes down to 363A, and you don´t need to run the one main accu with 3 cellblocks in parallel, which has advantges in terms of cross current risks etc. It would make the cables thinner, but you need more.
363A it´s still pretty decent, and contact resistance etc. can quickly add up to some serious loses.

Some other thoughts:
470V is a quite high voltage, think accident open wires etc., some serious isolation is needed.
Think racing in the rain, or trying to extinguish a burning car, after an accident.
50mA current flow through the body/heart can/will kill a person

I think segedunum made a good and IMHO valid comment.
If the attempt to harvest this amount of energy, and flywheel system will become a very interesting proposal.
IMHO it would make sense to try to charge the flywheel mechanical, direct from the engine or the gearbox.
Something like a double clutch, which under braking disconnects the engine, and connects via a planet drive the flywheel.
Then use the energy to drive one or two MGU´s on the front wheels, as the rear will be most likely be traction limited anyway even with only the IC alone, to help
acceleration out of the corners.
As a mechanical diven flywheel, will have some "upfront weigth" which is not so much dependent fom the amount of energy/power (all the gears), it is not really feasable fom a weigth perspective, with the Micky Mouse KERS we have now.
But it becomes more and more competetive as higher the energy. I can perfectly understand Patrick Heads perspective and agenda.

Let´s see how it pans out. But with much higher power and energyy levels, a all electric/battery solution becomes less and less competetive, unless we make a quantum leap in accu technology. - IMHO

Merry Christmas

some KERS MGU infos (not sure if 100% correct, maybe superceeded by now)
30% duty cycle on a 75s lap is 22,5s

"Make the suspension adjustable and they will adjust it wrong ......
look what they can do to a carburetor in just a few moments of stupidity with a screwdriver."
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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


Thanks Jumbo. I will have to print that out & consider it slowly. Look forward to informed discussion about it.

What is going to happen at the start of a race? Last time we had KERS they started with the things fully loaded with energy. The KERS cars had an advantage when the race actually starts. I appreciate that it is not easy to discharge those batteries. On a lead/acid battery they become more or less ineffective once the voltage drops below 10V so I suppose these batteries have a similar base voltage above which they become effective. The cars are now allowed a defined amount of fuel energy as they leave the pits to go to the grid & then do the warm up lap (no topping up after leaving the pits?). I would think it would be fair if all the energy storage devices were also zeroed to their base levels when the cars were fueled. So they could accumulate as much as they choose while getting to the start line & during the warm up lap. Allowing the KERS storage to be fully charged in the pits means those cars leave with much more energy than the non-KERS cars. But what about the KERS energy in the storage at the end of the race? If the stored KERS energy is the same at the start & end then there was no net extra energy during the race.

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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


tok-tokkie wrote:Thanks Jumbo. I will have to print that out & consider it slowly. Look forward to informed discussion about it.

What is going to happen at the start of a race? Last time we had KERS they started with the things fully loaded with energy. The KERS cars had an advantage when the race actually starts. I appreciate that it is not easy to discharge those batteries. On a lead/acid battery they become more or less ineffective once the voltage drops below 10V so I suppose these batteries have a similar base voltage above which they become effective. The cars are now allowed a defined amount of fuel energy as they leave the pits to go to the grid & then do the warm up lap (no topping up after leaving the pits?). I would think it would be fair if all the energy storage devices were also zeroed to their base levels when the cars were fueled. So they could accumulate as much as they choose while getting to the start line & during the warm up lap. Allowing the KERS storage to be fully charged in the pits means those cars leave with much more energy than the non-KERS cars. But what about the KERS energy in the storage at the end of the race? If the stored KERS energy is the same at the start & end then there was no net extra energy during the race.
I think the KERS cars left the grid for the parade lap with a discharged KERS. They drivers then charge it during the warm up with plenty of brake/throttle overlap ready for the start.

I wonder if Ford or Citroen could be tempted to produce an F1 engine based on next years WRC unit?

Joined: 04 Oct 2009, 15:03

Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


Using a flywheel for storage would be simple using my ESERU
(electric shift energy recovery unit)/gearbox.
You would simply place the flywheel between the engine and the gearbox/ESERU in place of the clutch which would no longer be needed, in the bell housing, exactly the right place for a flywheel.
It would be spun up or applied to the gearbox/ESERU mechanicaly, without the need for a conventional mechanical clutch and disengaged when not needed. It would not be connected to the engine.
I would still expect to use MGUs on the front axle which would electricaly spin up the flywheel through the ESERU electro mechanical gearsets, (as well as the mechanical spin up from the rear axle via the ESERU geartrain). The front MGUs would be driven from the flywheel using the ESERU to supply current from the flywheel through its (electro mechanical) gearsets (as well giving direct mechanical drive to the rear axle).

How many batteries if any would depend on the regulations.

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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


godlameroso wrote: ...
On a different topic, I'm curious; would a V4 be better balanced than an I4?
A 180 degree V4 almost certainly would.
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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


xpensive wrote:
godlameroso wrote: ...
On a different topic, I'm curious; would a V4 be better balanced than an I4?
A 180 degree V4 almost certainly would.

LOL, great, go ahead an make it air cooled.

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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


747, your temp calculation is based on continuous drain and not on peak mode as we see in breaking. As the batteries are given at least three times the cooling time as the peak breaking time the lower temperature at 12C would be applicable. That also changes the voltage.

It is more likely that customized cells with different properties and systems wit lower capacity of 2.3 MJ will be designed. 2.3 MJ is still a big step considering the 2010 capacity of 0.4 MJ. If we go doen to 2.3 MJ charging power will go doen to 190 kW which seems a lot more manageable.

Batteries in 2013 could be placed in the side pots that are going to be much more forward to support the tunnels.

I will update some figures for 2.3 MJ KERS.

Power profile in 2013 will be 12s breaking. 50% of the lap time on full throttle with 440 kw. There remains 28s with half power of 220 kW. For ease of calculus I assume that half power will consume half fuel flow of 13.9 g/s. Average fuel flow is 18.77 g/s which is 68% of the maximum fuel flow. This also gives us the total fuel consumption for a 80 min race. It comes to exactly 90 kg.

90 kg of fuel at 33% efficiency means 1366 MJ mechanical race energy. 2.3 MJ/lap in a 80 lap race means 184 MJ KERS energy. The KERS will give a boost of 13.5% mechanical energy for racing which isn't such a bad figure.
If we want to know the equivalent power of KERS with the known power profile of 40s@440kW, 28s@220kW, 12s@0kW we get 40s@42.6 kW, 28s@21.3kW and 12s@0kW for KERS power. The equivalent engine power for dual torque mode should be 482.6 kW (647 hp). If the full 120 kW KERS boost is used the boost time is 19.2s.

For aerodynamic considerations we have to assume we have 13.7% less power which will have to be made up by reduced aero forces. If they indeed slash drag and downforce by 50% I'm pretty confident that the 2013 cars will see shorter lap times than the 2010 cars. The straight line speeds should increase considerably with 50% drag only which will probably make up for some loss of speed through high speed corners. Slow corners should also become faster as mechanical grip should increase with AWD.
Last edited by WhiteBlue on 23 Dec 2010, 16:26, edited 1 time in total.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


WhiteBlue wrote:747, your temp calculation is based on continuous drain and not on peak mode as we see in breaking. As the batteries are given at least three times the cooling time as the peak breaking time the lower temperature at 12C would be applicable. That also changes the voltage.

It is more likely that customized cells with different properties and systems wit lower capacity of 2.3 MJ will be designed. 2.3 MJ is still a big step considering the 2010 capacity of 0.4 MJ.

Batteries in 2013 could be placed in the side pots that are going to be much more forward to support the tunnels.
Not to mention our calculations rest on the hope that there will be no advances in battery tech. Currently new manufacturing techniques are being developed for graphene, so at least expect to see better cathodes for batteries. In addition, electrolyte chemistry is also advancing. In 2009(just one season) there was a tremendous leap forward with KERS and these were weak systems compared to what's being proposed, do you think development has stopped?

What about major manufacturers still in the sport, do you suppose they share their IP from other research branches with their F1 program?

What about HERS, what about turbo compounding, these can also be used to charge the battery.

I think 2MJ harvested per lap is very attainable today, more so in 2013, and if the electric traction systems are limited to 120KW discharge that leaves us with a 15 second 160hp boost.
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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


747heavy wrote: ...
If we take the battery efficiency as 90%, that means we turn 33,3kW into heat, that does not include the MGU´s or inverters, nor the cables and connectors.
To provide some perspective the heating system of a average single family house in Western Europe has ~18-20kW
(but we use it perhaps more then 7,68h per day, which is the equvivalent to 19.2s/minute)
So some good cooling is requiered.
Great post!

To design the conductors and the cooling I think that it makes more sense to think in terms of energy instead of power, due to the characteristic of intermittent use of the system. This way the obtained values could be way lower. So, an average heat dissipation could be calculated in function of the duration of the duty cycle of the system (for example, active only 20s a lap with 80s with the system off...)
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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


WhiteBlue wrote:Power profile in 2013 will be 12s breaking.
How is this 12 sec average split acorss the race distance? On full tanks at the start of the race does this go up to 15 seconds a lap, then drop to 8-9 seconds at the end of the race running on fumes?

Also the cars will be heavier than last year so it might be slightly over 12 seconds.

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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


I would not bother with the details. You have to make some simplification to be able to get some broad figures. Race engineers wil look at things much closer but ATM we only need the back of the envelope type of calcs.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


WhiteBlue wrote:I would not bother with the details. You have to make some simplification to be able to get some broad figures. Race engineers wil look at things much closer but ATM we only need the back of the envelope type of calcs.
True, but the engineers will look at the worst case scenario and design a system that can harvest the energy required when braking distances are the shortest, towards the end of the race. It may only be 2-3 seconds a lap, but that equates to around plus/minus of ~20%, quite a big tolerance.

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Re: Formula One 1.6l turbo engine formula as of 2013


autogyro wrote:Using a flywheel for storage would be simple using my ESERU
(electric shift energy recovery unit)/gearbox.
You would simply place the flywheel between the engine and the gearbox/ESERU in place of the clutch which would no longer be needed, in the bell housing, exactly the right place for a flywheel.
It would be spun up or applied to the gearbox/ESERU mechanicaly, without the need for a conventional mechanical clutch and disengaged when not needed. It would not be connected to the engine.
I would still expect to use MGUs on the front axle which would electricaly spin up the flywheel through the ESERU electro mechanical gearsets, (as well as the mechanical spin up from the rear axle via the ESERU geartrain). The front MGUs would be driven from the flywheel using the ESERU to supply current from the flywheel through its (electro mechanical) gearsets (as well giving direct mechanical drive to the rear axle).

How many batteries if any would depend on the regulations.
I have long wondered what ESERU stood for. It is apparent that storing the available energy electrically is hugely problematic. This seems like the perfect application for your ESERU. Quite a while ago you intimated that it was or was about to be patented. Can you reveal more about it. You have dropped plenty of F1 names in the past; are you in any serious discussions with any of them currently about using ESERU?