What is so difficult to understand?747heavy wrote:Could you elaborate on this a little bit more please, as I´m not sure where you are going with it.
Why doe we need a different fuel limit for different tracks?
I´m pretty sure xx Kg/ltr. would do it, as it does now.
I can´t quite follow you on the last part of your statement.
The turbo engines from 2013 onwards are most likely not air limited.
- the current engines where not designed with a fuel budget in mind anyway, but they seem to work with one quite well (as we have seen in 2010), can´t really see a great technical challenge in it.
- in regards to your last point. Yes it will require some scutineering, as all rules do.
But I can´t really see that beeing more of a problem then policing a KERS storage limit or a max. fuel tank size etc.
Surely easier then to police and enforce a flexible bodywork rule.
I can ensure you, out of expirience, that even a low tech series , such as Brazilian Stockcars have a handle on this, and are able to police the max. fuel budget. No big deal really.
low weight/Low consumption = less fuel weight was and always will be a strong incentive in any form of racing (F=mm*a), unless the governing body set´s artifical high minimum weight limits to either to help some competitors to be/remain competetive with their choosen engine concept or to promote "energy efficiency" with systems like KERS, which turns physics on it´s head - IMHO
With refueling the automatic high incentive to save fuel is gone. You have to replace it by a fuel cap which is difficult to adjust to each track and is difficult to police.
Naturally aspired engines are air restricted and will be used for two more years. They are not designed to be fuel restricted and the 2013 flow changes would have to be brought forward to 2012 to make it work realistically. Such a decision would have to be made in the next three months to be acceptable.
Without max fuel flow restrictions one would have to rely on restricted fuel amounts which should really be different for all tracks because the tracks require different full throttle percentages to generate the desired effect.
However one organizes the refueling with fuel restriction it is never as simple as just a refueling ban.