Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres

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Do you like this Pirelli's colorful method?

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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


Personally i think they should have kept the white stripe down the middle of the wets for better visualisation.

Could be trouble, but i doubt it.

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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


Having different colors for each compound is very good. =D> It will definitly improve in identifying differences between cars. However, if I would have assigned the colors in a more logical order to better match the compound grades.

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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


GTO wrote:Having different colors for each compound is very good. =D> It will definitly improve in identifying differences between cars. However, if I would have assigned the colors in a more logical order to better match the compound grades.
They must have own vievs on situation :?

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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


They should've done something like red-orange-green-blue... that way the cooler colors are the primes and the options are the warmer color. Or something like that. 4 different colors might confuse the casual fan

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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


If colors are what's confusing people then we have bigger problems to worry about! They might not even know what a compound is in the first place, or how they influence strategy and lap times, among other things.
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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


I hope they allow all four compound at a race

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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


I actually always thought of that. Why not alter the rules to make sure each team has to use all 4 at each race? Or maybe 3 of the 4? That should spice things up surely

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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


What ! no green stripe ?
This could be enough to get Al Gore out of retirement and work for a 2nd Nobel

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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


flynfrog wrote:I hope they allow all four compound at a race
Maybe next year when the teams and Pirelli have a better idea of the tyres.

And probably not a free-choice ... the costs associated with twenty-odd cars x 11 set allocation x 4 compounds would be too much.

But perhaps Pirelli bring 9 sets of what they feel is appropriate for the track, but teams are allowed to order 2 sets of whatever they fancy.
Could make things interesting, especially if the mandatory stop were abolished ... zero-stoppers versus three or four stoppers.

Joined: 24 Jul 2010, 17:52

Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


Hopefully they decide to paint the inside as well, otherwise you can't see from onboard shots.
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Ciro Pabón
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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


I'd prefer mauve, fuchsia, citrus zest and wildflower, with earrings that match. This way we only have to keep an eye on their lobes. Dandy... and sexy.

You know: so people won't get confused. I'm a tad confused, btw.

Actually, I was so deranged that I had started to think that the whole compound affair was contrary to the idea of racing, but now I've seen the light.

So, I say, let's invest one billion euros to go one tenth faster, and then, let's make the race much more entertaining by giving that tenth away, using un-optimized (is that a word?) compounds. Isn't that entertaining? I'm thrilled with the notion!!!! (look, four admiration signs. One for each compound. Blink, blink: red, orange, green, blue. How cool and hot at the same time. BTW, isn't that the definition of "tepid"?).

After all we already know that the compound idea has made the races so much more competitive! And the excitement! And the colours! And the wise commentaries by the commentators! And the arguments! Wow! In days of yore they did not have so much excitement! (I should make a note about the admiration signs, now that I think about it: they make my posts much more exciting! Note to myself: it's not the content, it's the appearance of content what matters).

For example, if I write the words Pirelli Monopoly with four colours, nobody will notice that there is no tyre development at all, but everybody will be dazzled and, besides, how pretty it is, don't you agree? This way we can make compounds suited to one particular driver and people will be so confused nobody will lift a finger!!!!

Future F1 Tyres in 2026: this way people won't get confused into thinking that tyres should be the best they can... but they're pretty and they're unsuited to the car... by design. Could be trouble, but I doubt it.

This way FIA can charge the tyre manufacturer for providing tyres to the circus ("Look, man, we're giving exposure to you with the colour idea, ain't we?") instead of the naive concept of the tyre manufacturer charging people for their tyres (as naive as... well, a black tyre).

Wait, wait, I have an idea: what if they have to drive with one hand tied to their back for the first stint? Of course, the problem is that it won't appear in the on board camera. Perhaps if we put one camera in their buttocks or up their... well, you know. THAT would entertain me.

Besides, it gives me a great idea: the colours should be white, pink, red and purple, in loving memory of the colours of Max Mosley heinie when he is getting some entertainement! After all, it was his idea... and he's a colorful character.

If Hamilton confuses red with green, what hopes have we, mere mortals? (thanks, marcush, for the catchy, original phrase)... and that's a zero stopper, feynman!

To me, this picture (or this thread? I already said it: I'm confused. Very, verily confused) is living proof that you can get an F1 license while being as colorblind as the audience.

Why do I have the feeling that I'm not making fan friends or boy friends here? And I'm spicy, I swear.

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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


So if i am understanding your very coherent post correctly, are you saying that the tyres should produce coloured smoke as well?
Where the colour goes traverse the visble spectrum during the race, violet being fresh and red being critically worn?
This way we will always know what stage of degradation the tyres are at when the drivers brake?

Now that's cool and hot. 8)
For Sure!!

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31

Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


Coherence? Where? I don't make that kind of mistakes. I don't make mistakes. I make prophecies which immediately turn out to be wrong. Just imagine what Murray Walker would have made of coloured tyres... To paraphrase him, "... and that just shows you how important the tyre is in Formula One Racing".

Now, seriously, please, erase that post, dear ringo. You're giving ideas to FIA... ;)

On the other hand, maybe it's already too late.

Now he must not go the wrong way round the circuit, and unless he can spin himself stationary through 360 degrees I fail to see how he can avoid doing so.

Darn, ringo, I asked you to keep quiet! See what you've done?

And, to add insult to injury, the smoke is red, orange and green. I wonder where is the blue. Perhaps only in my old racing soul...

I better leave this thread and spend my time hearing a couple of songs by Anita O'Day. I guess "Little Girl Blue" suits me now... and now, excuse me while I interrupt myself.

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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand breathe....
Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool...

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Re: Pirelli will use different colours on 2011 tyres


Hmm.. it's a good idea indeed. It will make the identification easier during the race for us the fans. But i would like to se more of the time the traditional yellow which means i would prefer the yellow colour to be the soft or medium. I am not sure how nice a Pirelli tyre with blue writing will look.