Kubica's Recovery

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Re: Kubica's in hospital


The end anchorage is critical for two reasons:

- The barrier is designed to act as a stressed ribbon with the forces dispersed along the length of the barrier. That's why posts look relatively flimsy. If the posts were tougher then they'd form a rigid obstacle which would cause more problems.

- The traditional method is for the end anchorage to be fixed to a block of concrete which is wedge shapes to deflect a vehicle that hits the barrier end on. Also, the barrier should start/terminate a long way before the hazard it is guarding.

However there have been cases of the vehicles riding up the anchorage block and running along the top of the barrier like a train on a rail. That's not good if the barrier is guarding a bridge pier, because it directs the car into the pier.

The other problem is that a very high speed lightweight car is launched into the air by the concrete wedge. If it is in a central reservation, then the car is launched head on into oncoming traffic.

So, the newer method is to have energy absorbing ends to the barrier that allow a head on collision without piecing the vehicle. The pics noted above are similar to those used in Europe.

I'd be interested to see the barrier anchorage prior to Kubica's accident.

However, we have to remember these guys are running on remote country roads with tight bends where a car would be normally be traveling much slower. The barrier could well be several decades old but perfectly satisfactory for normal events.

Remember that an F1 track is like a carefully controlled sterile laboratory compared to a rally on public roads where there is little or no additional protection and no medical support.
Last edited by Richard on 07 Feb 2011, 12:39, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 00:36

Re: Kubica's in hospital


Kubica has been woken up from the induced coma for a few minutes, and he is currently sedated.
A new medical statement is expected to be released at 11 am CET.

http://www.sportmediaset.mediaset.it/fo ... bica.shtml
http://www.ivg.it/2011/02/robert-kubica ... o-alle-11/

Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 00:36

Re: Kubica's in hospital


Kubica's manager just said that Kubica is fully conscious and all his brain functions are intact.

Source: http://www.ivg.it/2011/02/robert-kubica ... sollevati/

Joined: 20 Mar 2008, 21:58

Re: Kubica's in hospital


This image is taken from that youtube video linked above. It shows the damage to the barrier and orientation of Kubica's car.


To me it looks like he may not have hit the end of the barrier, but possibly a join between two ribbons. The barrier to the left looks damaged with it looking like quite a severe drop making it look unlikely that there was a deliberate gap in the barrier at that point.

It actually looks like the barrier may have done it's job, in that it stopped the car from going over the edge or hitting any of the trees, but looks like a freak impact has caused the end of the barrier to puncture the car. Very unlucky accident.

At least he seems to be responding well to treatment if those statements are accurate. Hope we get to see him back in action before the year is out.

Joined: 15 Apr 2009, 14:41
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Re: Kubica's in hospital


Looks like there are gaps in the barrier to allow access to adjacent land, here's one with a ribbon across the gap. That's what you get on a small country road, it snot a race track.

Last edited by Richard on 07 Feb 2011, 12:57, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 20 Mar 2008, 21:58

Re: Kubica's in hospital


Warning: Pure speculation follows...

Looking at the video again it looks like it may actually have been quite a shallow impact. The barrier was hit at the exit of the corner, and the angle and distance the debris was flung down the road looks to me like a shallow angle of impact relative to the barrier. If he hit the barrier just before the visible break, buckling the ribbon, but then splitting the barrier at a join between two sections then that could be why it punctured the car. This would also explain the lack of an anchor at the front of the barrier.

Joined: 20 Mar 2008, 21:58

Re: Kubica's in hospital


richard_leeds - yeah either way that road looks very unsafe! These guys definitely have bigger balls than me.

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Re: Kubica's in hospital


Don't think there was a gap because the section before the supposed gap is badly bent.

Joined: 20 Jun 2009, 19:04

Re: Kubica's in hospital


In italy the concrete block/impact absorber at the start of the guardrails ribbon is present only in (some) highways in normal road the guardrail starts without any protection!

http://www.ansa.it/web/notizie/rubriche ... 83050.html

The link says the hand operation went well but we have to wait about 6 days to understand if the blood circulation is normal.

Joined: 31 May 2010, 01:31

Re: Kubica's in hospital


This was found in the Youtube comments, my knowledge in Italian is not sufficient to understand everything, could somebody translate that for me please?
Mi chiamo Alberto Vieta,sono ormai da 2 anni nell'associazione ufficiali di gara Alessandria,da metà marzo a fine Novembre si può dire che tutte le domaniche sono nei campi di gara come commissario di percorso...Perchè specifico questo??Semplice....Con numerosissimi incidenti più o meno gravi,e la prima vota che vedo un gesto simile. Il SIGNOR MORENO,(perchè cosi deve essere chiamato),rallenta alla prima gialla e si ferma subito dopo cosa che non capita mai in quanto ora la gialla è inutile 1/1
anzi,spesso rischiamo di essere letteralmente investiti buttandoci a dare la gialla e siamo letteralmente ignorati (non da tutti e ovvio).

Spero che il signor Moreno legga queste 2 righe in quanto mi piacerebbe complimentarmi personalmente.
Ci andrebbe più gente cosi in questo sport rovinato come dice Mourinho del calcio dalla prostituzione mediatica,che non perde occasione di tirare fango addosso ai rally ma ignora gesti come questo.

Moreno,Borsa,Boffa,Giudici,Pis­i, i più umani a mio parere

Joined: 20 Jun 2009, 19:04

Re: Kubica's in hospital


The comment doesn't make much sense. The writer (Alberto Vieta) is a marshals for the rally and he says sig.Moreno (I don't know who he is) slowed down at the first yellow flag and after that he stopped. Alberto Vieta praises him because he says a lot of other rally drivers completely ignores the yellow flag putting the marshals, spectator and other drivers in very dangerous situations.

Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 00:36

Re: Kubica's in hospital


According to Italian media, Kubica's hand has already managed to do basic finger movements.

Source: http://www.ivg.it/2011/02/dodici-chirur ... ella-mano/

Joined: 27 Mar 2009, 12:22
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Re: Kubica's in hospital


Federico wrote:The comment doesn't make much sense. The writer (Alberto Vieta) is a marshals for the rally and he says sig.Moreno (I don't know who he is) slowed down at the first yellow flag and after that he stopped. Alberto Vieta praises him because he says a lot of other rally drivers completely ignores the yellow flag putting the marshals, spectator and other drivers in very dangerous situations.
I am guessing that Moreno was the driver in this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALbxMiwf ... r_embedded
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Re: Kubica's in hospital


When rallies are organized in routes like that, wonder why F1 should shy away from NURBURGRING

Joined: 03 Apr 2007, 13:49

Re: Kubica's in hospital


Diesel wrote:If this was Vettel/Webber you would be saying the exact opposite and that the media is dramatising it.

All you do is stomp around the forum trolling threads....
I make it a point not to feed trolls these days, but no I definitely wouldn't be saying the opposite if it was Vettel or Webber so don't presume to tell me what I would say based on your own idiotic and petty ideas of driver and team allegiances that have destroyed this place as a forum.

What you believe I think won't make this accident any less serious no matter who was in the car.