I would also like to mention this, among the implications (taken from the same document, page 13):
So, what about pit stops? Could you imagine an strategy with a wing "up" a lot of time, one that saves you one stop at pits?If the wings (and the cooling) could be set on the straights for minimum drag, it would be possible to reduce the power of the core engine including its exhaust energy recovery contribution, from the ~500KW considered to ~300KW and achieve the same top speed on most circuits. The resulting lap time increase is estimated at 3+secs from today (a little faster than the predicted lap time for 2009/2010 with the aerodynamic changes scheduled), and the reduction in fuel consumption would be in the order of 40%. Combined with the efficiency gains of the proposed power-train for 2011, this would yield an overall fuel consumption reduction exceeding 50%. (This subject to confirmation by on going simulation work.)
NOTE: there is no adaptive cooling AFAIK, so the figures could be exaggerated. Keep in mind that those reductions are compared with a 2007 car.