Note for all members using avatars I made them - please upload them on your own web spaces if you can because my web space might exceed max transfer rate and become inaccessible.
Thanks in advance!
Some of them are made from movie clips (converted to gif, cut out, reduced number of frames, enhanced...), some are made from static pics (m3lover's for example) and some vere already animated gifs like Renault logo or Porsche logo but I've also edited them frame by frame, added borders or text, changed backgorund etc.Tp wrote:Just out of interest, how did you make the animated avatars?
Oh no, those helmets I made suck. They good only for batracer program because it requires exact design envelope (bad quality) which makes them ugly for avatarTom wrote:Hope you don't mind Manchild, but the helmets you made me were so good, I'm going to have to alternate between them and the 2CV!?