I have this little niggle in the back of my head, I'm sure that the Venturi priciple is based on the requirment of the oxygen by the rockets flare. The flames suck the air to feed the them, a back draft if you will. The bigger the flare the more suction you will get. The exhausts hot gases, although very hot are not perminantly producing a flame.KeiKo403 wrote:Hi guys (and girls, if any?) I'm new here and have followed this thread regisously.
Your all obviously very knowledgeable and big F1 fans =D> so you may be able to answer this...
Somebody posted on here the other day something about a Richard Hammond program on the Airbus A380 and how its emergency slide used the venturi principle to vacuum additional air and use it to inflate the slides uber fast!
Could the venturi principle be used in conduction with an EBD or even an EB beam wing to create extra DF? Don't know if the rules and regs even allow for it but I just wanted to put the thought out there for you all to debate.
Over to you...![]()
One last thing....Go McLaren!!!
This is my niggle, other than the suction caused by the dense cold air moving into the space created by the less dense hot air, I can't see any way to replicate the levels of suction from a persistant rocket flare.
I may be absolutly talking out of my rectal oriface however, perhaps some of the more educated amongst us can either confirm or dispel my niggle?