Are you sure about this manchild? I think in Champ cars they add ballast to make all the cars + driver = same weight, but I did not think they followed this system in F1. Only cars had to weigh the same. Thus a team with a smaller driver had an weight advantage.manchild wrote:JPM is fatter than Kimi but cars weight the same as weight is adjusted with balast.
Cars must weigh at least 605kg (including the driver) during qualifying and at least 600kg at all other times. Teams may use ballast to bring cars up to weight. This must be firmly secured to the cars. Ballast may not be removed or added during a race.
4.1 Minimum weight:
The weight of the car must not be less than 605 kg during the qualifying practice session and no less than 600 kg at all other times during the Event.
4.2 Ballast:
Ballast can be used provided it is secured in such a way that tools are required for its removal. It must be possible to fix seals if deemed necessary by the FIA technical delegate.
4.3 Adding during the race:
With the exception of fuel and compressed gases, no substance may be added to the car during the race. If it becomes necessary to replace any part of the car during the race, the new part must not weigh any more than the original part.
According to all possible reports the mercedes is number 2 regarding revs, cosworth is number 1, but it didn`t last 2 races.Scuderia_Russ wrote:Personally I don't think McLaren have resolved their engine problems at all. They have gone from blowing up the most engines in testing (when they were said to be matching Renault for speed) to not blowing any up but finishing down the order. I reckon they are still having engine trouble and are just running them turned down so they can finish the races, which would be a very sensible strategy as they will get some points in the bag while they sort it out instead of leaving them turned right up, going balls out for wins and leaving with none.