Scarbs has indicated that these are merely cooling ducts.
My guess is that they are cooling the gearbox.
Thanks for the "history" lesson! Still a tiny bit surprised they have such a large hot-air exit and still need even more cooling, but I guess it seems to be working just fine for them...Blackout wrote:viewtopic.php?p=226205#p226205
volarchico wrote:What's the exit in the central section on either side of the crash structure below the beam wing? They have a gaping bass-mouth hot-air exit above...I'm surprised they'd need even more cooling exits!
Thanks for the info! Blackout sent a link to a similar answer previous in the thread, but your explanation makes it even more clear.Raptor22 wrote:GEarbox cooling outlet.
In previous yeasrs it was not too obvious since the rear bodywork sort of ended abruptly and the gearbox oil cooler exit just filled the end of the body work.
this year all the teams are sculpting the bodywork to much more truncated end point hence they need to provide a cooling air outlet for the gearbox oil cooler
Sorry, I didn't make myself clear.Robbobnob wrote:Which plate are you referring to?
Well, it wouldn't have to be the two of the team's cars involved in the crash. I only mentioned last year because that exact thing did happen then, but in fairness there were several occasions last season, and most seasons where such an event does occur (two cars of any team or teams go wheel to wheel and one ends up placing one of it's wheels in "that triangle" of the other).D'Leh wrote:I doubt any chief engineer would design their cars with a potential crash between the team's two drivers in mind. This is not stock car racing.