''Maybe Alonso has made some calculations and realised he would lose,'' he told Motorcycle News.
Rossi also reckons Alonso would be at least 12 seconds slower than him on a 260hp GP bike
I cant believe how childish he is behaving. I know it's smart to generate publicity, but surely this is bad publicity for him. He is appearing like a silly spoilt child. When he wins the F1 World Championship then he can open his mouth. Untill then he's just a nobody who claims to be fast. Moto GP champ or not, he's never competed in an F1 season, its different to Moto GP, hence why only one man has suceeded before at making the switch.
All I have to say to Rossi is, "Shut up, get on with your job, come to F1, win the championship (I know you CAN do it, your bloody quick!) but until then, just keep schtum"
He may be a MotoGP champ, but thts as good as a Ballerina saying "I'm a multiple ballerina world champion...I can win the f1 world championship." You dont see Sebastian Loeb mouthing off like this do you???
Rossi needs to face that fact that in MotoGP he is a Megastar...the best. But in F1 he's still a nobody.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.