tok-tokkie wrote:Pup,
If the fuel melts the rod covering and flows down to the bottom of the pressure vessel can it melt the pressure vessel?
If we're talking theoretically, yes, if they were to just just walk away and do nothing. Obviously at Three Mile Island, it didn't; and at Fukushima, even less likely. Even theoretically, it's on the fringe of what could happen. It may even be a disproved myth; I'd have to read more.
tok-tokkie wrote:How long did it take for Three Mile Island to cool down so that it could be sorted out?
That's a tricky question. Cleanup started at TMI five months after the accident, but they didn't actually remove the fuel until 14 years later. Here's a chart of the decay heat at the reactors which will give you an idea of how dramatically the heat falls when the core is shut down and how gradual they cool from there on...
Safe to say that the effected reactors won't be operational again for a long, long time - if ever. To keep it in perspective, though - TMI is still operational; Harrisburg is still inhabited; Hershey still makes chocolate.