Maybe a tiny bit but not much i think. I´ll see if i can find anything good tomorrow from the sessions.
My theory is that it does level out some as the speed get higher.
Here´s why, although i´m not newey and i don´t know aerodynamics at all really.
But anyway, at low speeds, the rake is pretty big, which keeps the front wing close to the ground.
But when the speed rise, the car levels out to make full use of the diffuser in the highspeed stuff and as we know the front wing flex as the speed rises meaning the front wing is closer to the ground aswell even during highspeeds.
It´s just a theory so i would be glad if someone shot it down so i can start thinking in other ways.
But just want to say that i don´t think that is what makes the car good, the whole car is perfection but i think that is what keeps them having the edge towards Ferrari and Mclaren.