Australian GP 2006

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Joined: 13 Jan 2006, 00:24
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Allright. Hes not fat.
But I don't think hes a future WC, and there are plenty out there who are.
I think its a shame that he is in one of the best cars, yet hes not got the consistancy to be there.

I feel the same about Giancarlo at Renault. A fantastic car but he only wins when everything is perfect, otherwise you get another Melbourne.

I just don't think its right that they take up those seats when guys like Paffet, Roseburg, Heidfield, De la Rossa, and even Liuzzi and Klien could be there. Guys who really have something to prove and still have the will and determination to be at the top, rather than a guy who has already been in the sport six years and has acomplished none of the things he set out to do, so he sits back and hopes it gets better.

Sorry if you think its BS, but thats my opinion.
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No no, that is not bullsh*t...the thing you said before was in my opinion.
Well, I think you must see it in the right perspective here! If you were in a good car like the MP4-21 (that still has a lot of problems, let us be honest about that) and you would have get team orders that made you lose places...and it happened over and over again the year before motivated would you still be? Because according to me JP is still very motivated for a driver that doesn't get full support of his team at all! He has to see how Kimi is treated as the king and what has he done? He still hasn't been WC and it's all because of him, not because of the car! Why do they give Kimi so much credit and JPM none?

JP has won some good races and I think he'd win more if he gets the support and the right equipment! Perhaps he's no future WC, but there are a lot of drivers in f1 that aren't a future WC! As long as they can win races and score points for the team, they are already doing the most of what a team can wish and hope for from a driver!

At Renault, Fisico's problem is that he is under so much pressure to do as well as Alonso, not only from the team, but also pressure he gives himself, that he messes up. Pushing the car and the engine too hard just to be as fast as Alonso.

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I think Montoya is the most straight talking guy out there. Acouple of years ago when he had that spin when he was in first place and in the post race interview he said as it is "S**t happens". I still think JV pushed him out in Suzuka.

Also Ron Dennis is a hard and determine team prinicpal, he is always looking for a good driver and he saw Juan Pablo as a good opputurnity. You do not get to Mclaren without having the pontential and acouple of wins in the bag. Also in 2003 Montoya was in the hunt for WC close to the end. He also won the Cart Championship too.

For Klien everybody knows this is his make it or break it year, if he does not put the results he will be gone next year. De La Rossa had his shot.

I give montoya a 4.5/5 and a pat on the back for doing some sweet overtaking manuvers. I take .5 away because I really hated that video where he takes a hairy on the camera man in back paddock area really immature on his part.
Simon: Nils? You can close in now. Nils?
John McClane: [on the guard's phone] Attention! Attention! Nils is dead! I repeat, Nils is dead, ----head. So's his pal, and those four guys from the East German All-Stars, your boys at the bank? They're gonna be a little late.
Simon: [on the phone] John... in the back of the truck you're driving, there's $13 billon dollars worth in gold bullion. I wonder would a deal be out of the question?
John McClane: [on the phone] Yeah, I got a deal for you. Come out from that rock you're hiding under, and I'll drive this truck up your ass.

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Joined: 13 Jan 2006, 00:24
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I would have thought that Montoya would be more motivated by Kimis success, but perhaps not. I would have thought that Mclaren would know better than anyone that both drivers must be given equal circumstances if the team want to do well.

Re-reading my earlier comment.
I agree, it is BullSh*t. It sounded ok when I wrote it.
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

Joined: 27 Jan 2003, 12:47
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well monty is a good driver no taking that away. but he has not been fantastic in mclaren. very spotted results. yeah we know for a fact mclaren just love to say "we give both our drivers equal chance" but it hardly works that way with them sometimes.
but early on in the season i don't think they are gonna be that stupid to give a rotten car to one driver and a good one to another. they will give an equal car to see which driver is on form. looks like kimi is there again this year and monty is so far just lingering in the background. The difference we can see that even when given a bad car kimi still drives it well and eeks out every single ounce of potential from that car. (case effect the 2003 season where he was driving a one year old car and still was runners-up in the championship). monty on the other hand just complains and drives the car only to what he feels it can do.
and favouritisem only comes when ppl see something in you which they can rely on. kimi has shown it to mclaren that no matter what he is gonna go gun for the win. and he has been consistent at that. monty did not. he never made full and proper use he was given at mclaren last year. he got injured, he complained the car wasn't suited for him, he made outrageous mistakes so close to finishing in good podium spots that virtually caused mclaren thier tittle last year. Monty is a bull he is frank and direct but too emotinally controlled too.
and to say kimi breaks his car, pls. how many races have we seen him drive from behind to get good podium finishes. if a guy breaks his car by overdriving would have blown somewhere in between. all his failures usually happen during the practices. i somehow find it hard to believe anybody would push thier car to the limit during practice. and about breaking parts, i've seen a fair share of that from alonso and schumi too. the difference is all 3 of these drivers regardless of watever which happens still consitently finishes thier car on a good position (bar the technical failure which all have incured sometime in thier carreer). monty is not. he is good. but not consistent. and he gets frustrated and blabs his mouth. he just never proved himself worth the favourtisem..not in mclaren as well as williams. and if he is gonna continue being as he is now..i don't see it ever happening in any team for that matter.
" If you want to win, get a Finn" - Hakkinen

Ignis Fatuus
Ignis Fatuus
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I am intrigued by that safety system, that supposedly turned all the car's systems off. Doesn't sound very "safe" to me, when you are at speed...
But I do not understand these things all that much. What do you think?

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Joined: 20 Feb 2006, 17:05
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I think the system was enabled by shock sensors, I mean there was a big bump and the software "thought" the car had crashed. I would call it safe because it avoid the car to pursue its course if a driver is uncounsciencious with the foot stucked down on the throttle.

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Road cars have a 'crash sensor' linked in with the fuel injection system so over a certain G reading it will shut down fuel delivery. Could very well be related to this like the poster above said.

Joined: 27 Jan 2003, 12:47
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another interesting thing about the montoya saga, he said that "kimi went 5 tenths faster on the last lap then anything he managed on average during the race. either he was thinking of something else in the race or he only raced on the last lap"...hmmm yes and i was checking montoya's timing. his fastest lap was 5 tenths down on what kimi managed on average during the race. heck he was even slower then the wrong tired ferrari of schumi. so who was the guy who was sleeping in the race with a potentially winning car under him?...hmmm.
" If you want to win, get a Finn" - Hakkinen

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Joined: 12 Aug 2005, 14:36
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For the people that want to look back to the Australian GP crashes in a row: ... 27029&q=f1

(ps: Thank god I'm not watching F1 in America...I'd mute those commentators!)