I imagine that would depend on how many cans of fizzy drinks they think they can sell in Germany/Switzerland and for what price vs. how many they think they can sell in Australia/UK and for what price.
Out of interest, can anyone tell me how much a ca of Red Bull sells for in Germany/Australia? It's around the £1.40 mark here and pretty darn popular, although I confess I don't drink it. I tried Monster following their advertisment on JB's helmet during 2009 and think it tastes much less like bull's piss than Red Bull does (I think that's the secret "Taurine" ingredient actually ). But please don't ask me how I know what Bull urine (or perhaps semen) tastes like, I am using my imagination!
Anyway, back to topic, I for one am looking forward to a VERY interesting race. With LH having a spare set of tyres more than JB and MW having to fight his way through the field it should be a good one!
I doubt that the RBR driver relationship will have anything to do with global sales projections.
Its about AUS$2.50 - 3 for a 250ml can depending where you get it, and im not sure as to what you think bulls piss tastes like, but i believe it tastes more like apple juice
"I continuously go further and further learning about my own limitations, my body limitations, psychological limitations. It's a way of life for me." - Ayrton Senna