Can I just say on behalf of f1game, although not owner, but senior member within the championship that F1Game does not endorse the use of pre-designed cars, that have been obtained illegally. Althought it may be that parts may be obtained by 'Codemasters', the parts are not aerodynamically accurate. A full investigation has been comissioned into this, and regulations will be revised to clamp down on model theft. Although there may be cars in the current season with illegally gained parts, we will continue the season with all cars.
Models of the Codemasters cars will be obtained by the Administrators of the 'Codemasters F1 2010' models, and hopefully of the upcoming 'Codemasters F1 2011' models when available. From here we will accurately scrutinise the cars entered into the 2012 season.
Every year we get a mass of new teams wanting to join, if a team attempts to join with an illegally obtained model, they will be immediately withdrawn from championship entry. The same applies to re-entering teams who plan to do the same.
I think that is the correct decision, as its meant to be a championship of the best designs, and if someone uses the fastest f1 car of 2010 then that takes the creativity out of it