xpensive wrote:@strad;
But Indianapolis is Indy, it is a name and concept in itself, surely the combo of the brickyard and Formula One should have been an instant winner, but a less than perfect track layout, oval goes mickey mouse, prevented that from happening.
Besides, Tony George is a seasoned businessman and didn't need MrE's crap or his xtorsion methods.
I'm afraid you are correct, perhaps MrE has become so blinded by the windfall of money from the far- and mid-east races, which don't seem to need an attendence anyway, that he wasn't thinking clearly when granting this location as well?
He should know that dependence on public money in a western democracy is not the same as in a filthy-rich dictatorship.
X, you answered your own question. F1 is not at Indy because,
Tony George is a seasoned businessman and didn't need MrE's crap or his xtorsion methods.
I do not recall Indy F1 attendance being a disaster. I do recall the tire debacle. Indy is an institution. It does not need that sort of incompetence. It was around before F1 and there is no reason to believe it won't be around after F1.
As to,
He should know that dependence on public money in a western democracy is not the same as in a filthy-rich dictatorship.
Bernie does not give a flying fornicate about where the money comes from, just that it come in huge and ever-growing amounts. I'm sure he'd prefer Austin to succeed, but if it fails, he will already have gotten his money -- and he lives by the belief that "there's one born every minute." And BTW, CVC is getting an undeserved free pass. They are (are they not?) Bernie's employers. He acts as their representative. If they did not support his actions, those actions would cease. A plague on Bernie, CVC, and FIA.
Enzo Ferrari was a great man. But he was not a good man. -- Phil Hill