He's looking at the ground speed.
malcolm wrote:
So what do I think? Probably an attempt at an elegant solution to increase downforce by creating a diffuser effect behind the leading edge of the splitter and front of the floor, lowering drag by filling in the wake of the front wheel, and a bit of that exhaust either ends up going through the diffuser, or it heats up some of the air that goes under it.
That is the whole deal.
This was expounded on months ago. And it makes a lot of sense.
shelly wrote:
ringo, do you read others' post or do you just reread yours? Dust is blown outward, while gases are inward. I have written it several times and all the others here agree on that.
This is not possible IMO. I've asked you to sketch how it is possible and you have not responded. Ever used a leaf blower to blow dust?
It would be a useless tool if the dust went the opposite of the blowing direction.
Secondly it would be breaking Newton's laws if the exhuast gas go out 1 or 2m then curl in back 2m without any external forces being applied to them.
So i'm not gonna try to pick your brain for that one, unless you draw a diagram demonstrating it.
The fact that gas and dust mix does not imply they have to stick together forever.
That pretty much closes the dust issue, leaving open the discussion on trajectory. What do you mean by "magnitude of trajectory"?
2 things can move along the same exact line and not have the same displacement or speed. Differing magnitudes.
the particles move with the same direction, they only don't go as far as the gases.
The gases do go further outward than the cement particles.
The probelem seems that you have not realized that whta you put forward as proof of your points on trajectory lend themseles to strong objections for which you have not given answer (maybe because is not there).
No shelly it's proof. Don't try to downplay it. There have been no strong objections. In fact I am yet to see any thing put on the table that adds up.
Words don't cut it for me. Anybody can say anything.
You call for dust and rain patterns as proof, but they are too heavy so they are not; you call for opticla distortions due to density, but they can not be visible under the shadow of the floor; you post cfd picture, but this level of detail is beyond what can be realised with homemade cfd.
They are not too heavy. Only by your standard. That homemade CFD just silenced many know it all journalists. So much so they can't show their face in the thread again.
There is no such thing as homemade CFD.
So you can not rely on these things as evidence to prove your point; you should try something differnt, like smikle is doing. For exampleasking for evidence abot where does th outward momentum of the exhausts go, and expecting it to go outward if there s not some force to nullfy it and invert it. And so on.
Smikle isn't doing anything different. He's just giving you a chance to expose your reasoning. He well knows the solution.
Now i am asking you politely to provide evidence in the form of an image, and some reasoning.
I have never seen a 600 mph stream of gas take a 2m turning radius. As it involves external forces which does not exits around a formula 1 car.
I am asking that you show me this as i am willing to understand what you are putting forward.