@ HampusA,
No way of knowing it unless it's made public alongside with a demonstration. No way of knowing whether they are mixing the truth with lies and presenting to us. Until it's verifiable, they'll be condemned to the label 'conspiracy theory'.
Considering the balance of 'for' and 'against' arguements, I'd very much say the spooky background music (lol) in those vidoes just make a good 'against' arguement.
Don't get me wrong, I'd very much love to know the truth; who -with enough curiosity- wouldn't ? But remember, much is going on in this world while the fool is being distracted from it by tv shows, music, movies, sports (F1?, lol) and the 'educated' is distracted from it by this kind of thing, taking advantage of their need to 'know'.
That, or they're just slowly warming up the audience for the unveiling
Again, no real way to know, only posibilities.