godlameroso wrote:Probably as high as possible. More importantly, is the coke bottle shape after the airbox and sidepods, as this determines the position of the trailing wake vortex of the car itself. If you get the shape just right, you can create a trailing wake vortex that literally siphons air from the diffuser. The stronger the trailing wake vortex the greater the effect. The shape of the body is essential to creating the TWV.
If you can't use simple shapes, then try to make them "organic", it takes a designer to intuit what lines are the most efficient. You can spout formulas and principles all day long, and still miss the mark. It's all about getting the angles that cause the least resistance. Look at the RB7 and tell me the rear end doesn't resemble a Tetrahedron. In nature this is the most efficient polyhedron, and coincidentally one of the most aerodynamic shapes.
Thanks, will take that in mind.
The sidepods are still in the design phase. We're looking at a double floor pod, using a slight U design. I'll be thinking very very carefully about this area now!!
The RB7 is quite a deceptive car. I think, after measuring out some pictures, that it has the lowest tub possible (Bar the V nose 'ridges', and will hardly have any changes to make for 2012, compared to Mclaren and Ferrari, who will have to rethink there tub design completely.
It's sidepods, and how they interact with the whole car must be a massive reason as to why the car is SO good!