ringo wrote:Tozza there is a very critical thing that you are leaving out.
You need to create a track surface. The aero will look weird because you have a car floating in mid air.
There needs to be a ground to get ground effect.
The floor can be a rectangular block. Create it as a separate part, then make an assembly then import the block into the assembly.
Make about 5 cm of ground clearance to begin with and then you are good to go.
We have it
It was left out for the wing, as they were just 'test' analysis' as we weren't sure if our CAD formats being exchanged was working, and were just trying out the analysis.
It's all systems go on development at the moment. A very basic, yet hopefully effective front wing is reaching the end of initial design. This design is much better than the last, due to its massive scope for developement.
The Survival cell and nose have been changed majorly since before, taking major influences from the RB7 (especially with the aerodynamically shaped fuel tank, which we lacked before), allowing our relatively short (3300mm) wheelbase to just fit.
I have done a couple of drawings of sidepods (Red Bull style), but still remain intrigued by the Toro Rosso Double Floor design, does anyone know which design works best for the car as a whole. (U pods are too ugly for me, and have little room for developement).
The simplification of our design will hopefully help us in our ability to develop the car, using the available CFD.
I'd post pics but it's got big gaps so looks too weird.
P.S Ringo, if you could post a pic of just your fuel tank, it'd be really great, I'm just so confused as to what the top of it behind the cockpit entry template looks like, I've made loads of drawings and looked at pictures, and they never seem to match!