That is a very strange interpretation of the facts that we know. There is a ton of evidence that Bernie and the teams want Austin and two GPs. Bernie helped Tavo with a deal that was clearly below the average race fee and he is known to have stood by that deal for ages although Epstein and CotA did not pay in time. AFAIK Bernie held that price constant and the contract open for more than four months.strad wrote:What I think gets lost in all the hoopla is that no American business group, read that lawyers, would agree the the type of deal/contract Bernie demands. The cost is substantial and grows yearly with very little chance to realize any tangible moneys.
Sure there is that increase in hotel sales and all that goes with a bunch of people coming to town...But actual cash profit for the organisers and promoters and track owners is next to or nil.
Plus as I've said, I think Bernie used Austin. He's not hidden his desire to have a race in New York and when this Jersey thing came up, which I think was a total knee jerk reaction to the Texas race, Bernie was more than happy to get rid of what he sees as yokels in Texas.
There is no real coincidence of the New Jersey deal and the Austin deal going bad as you seem to think. Bernie never "dropped" the Austin deal. He only changed the contract on offer when it became clear that Hellmund, his initial business partner was going to be ousted from the company that he founded. Bernie apparently offered less favourable terms which is understandable after Epstein was dumb enough not to execute the special low offer for many months. The fact that Bernie got ink on the Jersey deal might have influenced the price, but that is a very natural reaction to the market events. It still doesn't mean that Bernie wanted or wants the Austin GP to fail.
If anybody acted like an elephant in the porcelain shop it is Epstein. And if the Austin GP fails I think it is mainly his stupidity and ignorance that is to blame. He hasn't got a clue what a lucky deal Hellmund got in the first place and what the market rate usually is. And he must be pretty ignorant to think that he can publicly dictate terms to Bernie. A 12y/o who has followed F1 for one year knows that this is the quickest way to ruin all your chances to get a deal.