Hi, I'm competing in the F1 in Schools competition in Dubai, and I just have some issues about the weight of components of my car.
There's a picture of the car design on the link below, but I'm not asking for advice on changing it for aerodynamic purposes or anything, though of course I'll listen if you have any. According to SolidWorks the balsa body itself will weigh about 25 grams when manufactured. It says the carbon fibre axles we've decided on will weigh approx. 2.3 grams each, although theres an option of 4 different types of carbon fibres at different densities so I'm not sure which it is.
I recently made a set of PTFE wheels using the machining lathe in the DT lab at school, diameter 30mm with a 25mm diameter hollow, rough design also in the link. We were hoping for the hollow to be 28mm, but they only had a 25mm drill bit. When I got home and weighed them I was disgusted to find they each weighed 10 grams, so I've decided to decrease the wheel diameter to 26mm, the minimum allowed, with a 25mm hollow. SolidWorks says these should weigh about 3.4 grams each.
This brings the overall weight to 45 grams, give or take a bit. The minimum allowed is 55 grams (which we're aiming for), and we still haven't taken paint into account. I was just wondering how much on average the paint would weigh, since I cant find anything on it anywhere. If it's more than 10 grams, I'll need to make some changes, like hollowing out the car design or making the wheels out of something lighter. Any thoughts?
http://www.flickr.com/photos/70865476@N ... hotostream