This reads like pure fantasy to me. Hellmund has worked on the scheme for more than six years. Epstein by all public sources joined this venture much later. Btw his involvement was published at the same time as McCombs. The most likely entry of Epstein was the time when Hellmund came across the current site for the location of the circuit. Epstein controls a company called Wanderingc Investors LLC. That is most likely the company holding property of the land (wandering creek) the circuit is build on. That property is also likely to be used as security for raising finance. If I remember correctly Hellmund claimed to have selected the site in 2009. That would be four years from the begin of the project.Bob S. wrote:I have to disagree here. Hellmund and Epstein have been on since the beginning. McCombs is brought on board. The thing goes south. Bernie jettisons Helmund and cuts a deal with Epstein and McCombs. ...
As a reminder, Bernie rescinded his deal with Hellmund. COTA did not (and could not) force Hellmund out. Bernie discovered something and cut his losses with Hellmund. Time will tell on what that something was.
Ecclestone has published a statement saying that he has and had no problems with Hellmund at all. He cancelled the contract because Hellmund did not manage to get the first fee financed by Epstein. Apparently Epstein refused a small finance period of some weeks for the first $25m to bridge a gap between the pay out by METF and the due date by Ecclestone. We know that at the same time Hellmund and Epstein had differences about the right strategy for the business. The nature of the disagreement is unknown. We also know that the failure to pay that fee in time triggered the METF to withdraw their finance of the first race fee for one year. And we know that the contract duration which was initially 10 years is now shortened by some years. The rest is just some very imaginative interpretation from you. It has no resemblance with the known facts.
It could be as simple as the disagreement was about the length of the contract. Hellmund may have thought that the race fees would still go up for the next ten years and that it would be beneficial to get the METF money for a maximum time. Epstein could have thought that the constant rise of the fees would be unlikely and preferred a shorter contract due to that opinion. I find that much more likely than your strange story.