allstaruk08 wrote:wow i thought the chassis' were tested to destruction, how agressive are these crash tests if the chassis can be repaired?

Then you want to destroy the driver too? haha.. But yeah Testing to destruction is something that the teams would do themselves in their own internal testing I think. More than likely it would be just the chassis without the crash structures in that internal test... More of like a verification of the design. The regulatory testing now is different.. as it has specifics to not just whether the chassis gets destroyed..but to the impulse of the crash.
Upon crashing acceleration must be below 20g for the first 150 milliseconds within the fisrt 10cm of deformation
8g for the next 5cm of deformation
etc.. (numbers are just examples)
In real life though the crash structure may deform to design but the chassis can still get damaged as with Kubica in Canada.