Thanks. I just found and re-read that article also. I remember it now.Pup wrote:It was in this article here...hairy_scotsman wrote:Maybe so. I don't recall that. Do you have a link to a story regarding it? Not saying it isn't so. Just want to read more about it.Pup wrote:Actually, it was the first of October that they said they were abandoning efforts to compact the soil and were instead going to dig it out and replace it. So not only did they have the added time of replacement, but it seems that they wasted a great deal of time trying to make the existing soil work.
At any rate, I don't think John's trying to make the point so much that the track is far behind. Unless there's a whole lot of rain late in the schedule, the track should be fine. I think he's referring more to structures. ... 95935.html
I don't know, but it could be the soil conditions affected the building foundations as well through additional soil work, footing redesign, etc. Or it could be that they had to get the soil prep done for the track before they could move the heavy equipment in for the concrete work.
At that time we had been hearing about and talking about the soil for months (Maher isn't always the best source for things like this). I took photos back on June 1 showing the start of cuts being made on the back straight and around T10-11. I took more later in the month that show deep cuts on that side of the circuit, which was well behind the dirt work for the front side. The early focus was on the front side due to the complexity and importance of the structures in that area.
As soon as the track location was announced I immediately thought "uh oh", having spent 15 years driving fire trucks on that side of town. The roads around the site show visibly what a major challenge that soil is.