bhallg2k wrote:Yes, this is a technical forum, and, by and large, comments should be focused on that aspect of F1. However, I feel the recent spate of entirely overzealous and inconsistent moderation is far worse than the vast majority of the superfluous posts that people, for whatever reason, seem to find so offensive.
Agreed, before this 'overzealous' moderating came into place, what was the problem actually? I cannot remember anyone complaining in any form stating that he disliked derailing topics sometimes. I never seen any forum having a problem with derailing. For example exhaust blowing, the RB8 topic derailed into that. So to clean things up you dump it to a dedicated topic to that subject, in the F2012 topic, the same thing happened, and again it is moved to the Exhaust blowing topic. Then it is done in other topics too. So now it seems you have just cleaned the topics, but you dumped everything into one topic, making the whole great discussion people were having into one big mess. No one has any idea anymore what is actually discussed, and because of that there cfomes fights.
In first place you think you cleaned the topics, but what you have done is similair compared to cleaning your room. You start wiping the floor, but move all the mess to under your bed. You arent getting rid of the 'mess', no you're moving the 'problem'.
Threads, like all discussions, work best when they're left to be conversational. Otherwise, this is all just dictation. Frankly, I don't know why that's not respected here on a forum that, above all else, seeks to decode a world where freedom of thought and creativity are considered priceless.
Threads are always derailed at some point and people always will come back to the original subject, just a slight derail.
At any rate, this isn't my forum; I don't make the rules. Hell, I might even be the lone member of the minority for whom any of this is even an issue. But, I do think my time here has come to a close. I'm far, far, far, far, far from the most technically-minded person around, so please don't think that this is some sort of attempt at a punitive action on my part; it's definitely not. This is all just supposed to be fun and games, and frustration is simply not fun for me. (I'd have liked high school a hell of a lot more were that not the case.)
Agreed, this is a place where I come after work just to relax, see what people have discussed and found, but to see what was a single discussion I have to check out 5 different topics and put my own story together. We all know that isnt going to work. Apart from that I have to read through stupidity, ignorance and fights.
I do not see in any way why it is even necessary to split these posts up. Can anyone explain that tgo me?
I might sound like a complete a$$hole by saying this but the only problem we have here on this forum is the ignorant, annoying douchebags who think they know everything, think they are always right and then ask the most stupidest questions. The same guys who post everywhere, in every topic, apart from this one. And I think everyone in this topic know who I am talking about, hell even the mods know it.
But what is done about it? Nothing at all, it is okay to piss people off, create fights etc. But dont you dare to go off topic. Like said before, the mods here attack the posts, not the posters. And that is just wrong.
There is nothing wrong with a healthy discussion, nothing wrong with a derail, and I have yet to see anyone who disagrees with me. But the mods seem to think making sure every post is conform the forum rules is more important than moderating the same guys over and over again who are pissing everyone off, the same guys who cannot have a healthy discussion in any way, the ones who make any discussion on the forum impossible, oh and if there is a discussion going on they are able to destroy the whole discussion in one post. But hey, that is okay as long as you dont go off topic.
If you ask me the moderating team needs to 'fix' the posters, not the posts(hell start with mine if you want to)
P.S. For bonus points PM me the names of the guys you think I was talking about