Variante: my F1 car

Post here information about your own engineering projects, including but not limited to building your own car or designing a virtual car through CAD.
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Variante: my F1 car


Hello everybody!
Here it is another 3D model, but this is different: it's mine :lol:
just joking, i'm serious now. This is the first model i've ever done in 3D (i used Google Sketchup), so forgive me as it's not that good. I wanted to show it to you some weeks ago, before the championship had started, unfortunately my computer broke down...
Anyway, i hope you like it, I wait for your comments, advices, etc
(note: the model is not meant to participate to any sort of virtual challenge, thought I tried to follow the 2012 F1 regulations. ...and I have to confess that i copied the “Coanda exhaust” from Sauber :oops: )


as you can see the car is pretty radical. I did not use cfd programs but in my mind it should work this way: the front wing works together with the sidepods as it keeps the airflow as straight as possible, feeding the “vacuum” in between the lateral crash structures and the lowered sidepods. The sidepods themselves are generally similar to those used by Sauber and Red Bull, designed to direct the exhaust's gases to the diffuser.
The nosecone, i fear, is illegal as you see it now, but this is just to show you the concept: it partially sacrifices the “high nose” concept, but it generates a bit of downforce and, moreover, accelerates and carries a lot of air up to the engine air intakes (they work together with the rear wing) and to the rear.
So, this car is supposed to have a high top speed, tons of downforce at the front and enough downforce at the rear not to drift all the time...

top wiew

please tell me if this nosecone could be legal. It is a triplane: the first two elements are part of the monocoque, while the third one is inspired to that Mclaren's wing recently abandoned that they used in order to separate airflows... do you remember? The point is that I want to use it to pick up the flows in the best way possible, directing them in between the other two elements in order to be slightly accelerated. As i said before the whole thing is also designed to achieve downforce (=similar to Force India's last year concept).
see better here:


Front Wing. The lower elements are devided in 2: the external part is supposed to have the maximum surface useful to create the biggest possible low pressure area; it should also decrease the drag of the wheels (in fact i didn't need to deal with deviating sideways the air, as everybody do, thanks to the design of the sidepods, thus i could concentrate on downforce and drag).
The internal part directs the air to the upper sidepods.
The secondary elements on the top are just meant to help the lowers, to clean the streams and to play with Venturi effect together with the wing's pylons.

lowered sidepods to feed more the rear of the car and to decrease the lift generated by the Sauber's solution

a close view on the rear. Starting from the low-left corner you see a strange floor shape: it is a channel that directs streams sideways, decreasing a bit the rear wheel drag (it is supposed to have a second function too, but i'm not confident... i think i'm going to remove it).
In the center of the photo you see the “Coanda exhaust” (in this area I'd really need a cfd program); it is designed to split the hot flow into 2 secondary flows: the first one is directed to the diffuser, the second should go into the cut, decreasing the pressure around the wheel and “feeding” the floor.
Sorry for the rest... the diffuser area isn't refined at all.

here it is another huge problem I had: the air intakes for the engine and for cooling. That's the impossible part to design without cfd. My idea was to use the air suked by the engine to accelerate more air into the secondary intakes: these ones are supposed to accelerate even more the air and direct it to the rear elements (=more downforce but less angine power).
So, can i use the opposite concept to increase the power output, as a sort of supercharging?

sorry for the long post and for the possible english errors

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


Nice work!

Your post was caught in our spam filter for some reason, likely a word that doesn't jive. This is why it didn't show up right away.

I will make sure your account gets approved to post.
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Re: Variante: my F1 car

Post input here...i like your ideas and another guy who likes the blade rollhoop solution.. .cool looking beast.

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


Thank you guys, i'm glad you like it

a more realistic version is coming, meanwhile any suggestion or criticism is welcomed

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


hello the car looks awesome man, where i circled is that a slot to get air to the diffuser like an extreme version to the redbull one or is it just a shadow.

if it is a slot could you put a hole or slits in the top of the slot and dump the hot air from the internals to get it to the diffuser?


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Re: Variante: my F1 car


thanks man!

that part looks indeed surprisingly similar to the Red Bull "tunnel", but i originally designed it like a month before RedBull showed their new exhaust layout 8) ... but, to be honest, my idea was different and simply crazy (that's why i'm gonna get rid of it, or al least redesign it)

First, stupid idea: to create a semi-uncovered tunnel along the sidepod (exactly the area you circled) to accelerate and deviate sideways a bit of air in order to create a lower pressure area around the floor and also in order to create a better flow around the rear wheel, which in turn could help the exhaust flow too
The problem: in non-ideal conditions, i fear, i would just crate a high pressure area (bad for drag, etc)

I'm still convinced that it has got some potential and that with a CFD soft I can make something good.... otherwise i will copy Red Bull...

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


Cool car, there is so much going on here! The most radical design I have seen in ages, well done!

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


Nice idea =D> I also think about that (i mean exhaoust and upper deep cut in side pods or even u pods) maybe that solution will be even better with dobble rads?
"And if you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver..." Ayrton Senna

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


unfortunatelly ,your car is a bit too " busy" methinks but hey what a basket full of good development starting points.

I will have to start putting my own ideas now into CAd ,as I fear someone will post my car here before I even started to put it into digital data... :lol: (old school,hating computers but carry a plethora of Catia V5 certificates :mrgreen: ) ....

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


Thank you guys!
MIKEY_! wrote:Cool car, there is so much going on here! The most radical design I have seen in ages, well done!
glad to "hear" that. I've taken a look to your car and...well, it's very impressive! I think i'm going to steal something from it :lol:
aleksandergreat wrote:Nice idea =D> I also think about that (i mean exhaoust and upper deep cut in side pods or even u pods) maybe that solution will be even better with dobble rads?
interesting ideas to work on! unfortunately i have to deal with FIA F1 regulations (which are very, very restrictive), therefore U-pods (for example) can't express their true potential, and i fear that cuts are not that legal... I'll think about it, anyway.
marcush. wrote:unfortunatelly ,your car is a bit too " busy" methinks but hey what a basket full of good development starting points.

I will have to start putting my own ideas now into CAd ,as I fear someone will post my car here before I even started to put it into digital data... :lol: (old school,hating computers but carry a plethora of Catia V5 certificates :mrgreen: ) ....
my target was exactly that: creating a car as radical as possible, no matter how "chaotic" (i even excluded a couple of other ideas). But I also tried to make it as "harmonious" as i could without CFD and i think that the result is't that bad

Anyway i'm working on a more simplified version... but i fear i'll look too "banal".
Unfortunately it won't be ready that early... what you see now is my first ever 3d work on computer thus i'm still pretty slow (but i'm working faster than Ferrari!)... and i still prefer paper and my beloved gray pencil :D

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


i'm back with the second version of the car
there are some radical changes:
-a new airbox (designed to fit a new idea that you're going to see explained down here)
-modified sidepods and exhaust layout
-many details (vortex generators, diffuser, flaps,...)

as usual i appreciate any criticism, suggestion..

first of all the comparison between the new and the old version

(new on the right)
significative reduction of frontal area

(new on the bottom)
exhausts moved backward

(new on the left)

the sidepod looks more "straight" as i wanted to reduce the lift (i have no downwash now...howerver it's not a problem at all)
That "brutal" curvature behind the exhaust leaves an empty space, which i hope can be filled by exhaust gases, avoiding stagnating or turbulent air

huge, circular airscoop and airbox (this is the part where i really need your opinion):
I designed them that way to increase the airflow in order to compensate the loss of air caused by some suction ducts placed inside the airbox. I haven't yet an exact idea what to do with those ducts, but here are the options that have come in my mind:
-optimizing pressure distribution
-energising the boundary layer (which is very important for an optimized airbox design)
-...creating a vortex (that's why the airbox is circular)...unfortunately i don't know what advantages it would bring #-o Help me!

here you see 4 generators of counterrotating vortices... i know i can improve them a lot
this soultion avoids stalling under the very-rake floor

detail of the diffuser

"monkey seats": they help to extract the air from some ducts placed inside the impact structure linked to those low-pressure ducts decribed before

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


hi guys,
after months spent working hard or doing nothing, i'm back with the last stage of my car. Have a look and feel free to comment or ask anything.

Here some pics before the explanation

new livery

rear view

nose cone

detail. Not in livery because of awfull bugs.

The major changes concern the nose cone (now providing more downforce and less drag) and the floor "intakes"/turning vanes complex (that basicly didn't exist in the last version).

I'll summarize the innovations of the whole car:

1-Front Wing: designed to "divide" the airflows (to the wheel, to the radiators). It's a low downforce wing designed to keep the flow clean and parallel to the direction of the car. Not likely to stall.
2-Nose Cone: it provides the rest of the downforce. And it is legal.
3-Front PullRod suspensions: they aren't there because are "cool", but simply because there's no space for PushRod. I've also tried to put the wishbones as high as possible: it should give the car a gentle behaviour with the tires.
4-Floor Splitter: (you can't see it) designed to create a particular high pressure area so to directs more air under the floor.
5-Bargeboard: generates vortices that annihilate each other. Provides a bit of downforce too.
6-Turning Vanes: fused with side impact structures. The upper part converges inwards in order to accelerate the airflows.
7-Floor "intakes": same concept as the splitter.
8-Air Box Intake: has a circular section so it can "contain" a vortex generated by a static device. It's supposed to increase airflow to the engine. To be honest, i'm not sure if the device is legal nor if it works.
9-Suction Devices: are low pressure duvices located on critical points (where legal) that keep surfaces free from boundary layers and avoid the stall. The air is managed by some ducts described in the last point.
10-Sidepods: lowered so they provide "more" air to the rear elements. They also provide almost no lift.
11-Exhausts: similar to those on the Sauber and Red Bull; not much to say...
12-Rear Complex: nothing original but two small wings on the crash structure (the monkey seats) that are used to suck some air from the duct described by point n°9.

That's it, i hope you like it.

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


Looks good, but I wonder how you will manage to get enough air above the diffuser, The nose concept, I am a bit skeptical on.

The middle nose section is neutral and generates lift, so I cant really see how your Ferrari Inspired nose can work with that, aside from that you are pulling air from underneath the nose to ontop of the nose which will compromise the rear of the cars efficiency alot :D
Budding F1 Engineer

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


Having less air under the nose is not such an issue if a lot of the air for the diffuser comes from above the sidepods, which this example seems to do. also the front wing looks as if it directs air inwards as well as outwards, which will partly compensate for the low nose. However I'm fairly sure that nose is illegal. Nice model btw

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Re: Variante: my F1 car


MIKEY_! wrote:Having less air under the nose is not such an issue if a lot of the air for the diffuser comes from above the sidepods, which this example seems to do. also the front wing looks as if it directs air inwards as well as outwards, which will partly compensate for the low nose.
Exactly, and there are other elements compensating the lack od "Coke bottle" rear end: the exhausts and a front wing that creates less turbulences than a normal wing (that becouse i gain tons of DF from the nose, therefore i can reduce the incidence of the FW)
MIKEY_! wrote:However I'm fairly sure that nose is illegal.
hehe..i've just figured out that you're right...article 3.7.8 :oops:
...what if i say that it is the impact structure? i have no chance, right?
BTW i have a solution. You'll see it soon.