clearly the pit stop system with the wheel nuts and how things are managed is a unsafe process for all teams.I´m amazed how professional teams get themselves into ever more complex process steps without erasing the root cause of the issue .
The MGP system relies on the Mechanic peressing a button as soon as the nut is fixed...hello ??? the mechanic has to work his fingers bloody to get it done as quickly as possible.The pressure on him is so high that :"HOT" stops under race conditions are always taking longer than practise stops...that does tell it all.mental stress is getting the better off the poor devils.
In a first step you need to make the wheel fixing a forced process -eg you cannot leave the pit when wheels are not properly tightened..a rather easy exercise methinks.
Second :you need a car positioning system ..the car slotting in too quick or too far is the first variable to get rid off the second one is get rid off the wheelgun being responsible for providing the clamping force -which is not under control -the wheel gun should only fix the wheel ,clamping force provided by the car -so mechanic just has to fit the wheel .
I had thought Formula 1 was about lateral thinking ...but it seems most of them are into optimising what they know -even if it´s a dog of an idea ....