marcush. wrote:-convection- free or forced ?
You are releasing a huge amount of energy when doing a hot pitstop -but your claim the brakes are relying on forced convection is simply not valid when the car is stationary.I would estimate the worst case scenario is the pit stop which is not working as planned the standstill is taking longer than planned and temperatures sore ...
and :Material mismatch is sometimes very surprising...but Ti is known for this .so you don´t even try without coating ,the coating will help the surface but local stress may still move the material beneath globally and expose uncoated base or dig into the other component.
As a sideline wheelnuts look just awful after a few mounting dismaounting actions ,and all teams use big gobs of monting compounds -with solid particles- to provide a non galling protection- It all is a bit fishy ,at least for me-
I did not make any claim that forced convection is the only mechanism so don't put any words in my mouth. It's obvious that both mechanisms are acting.
When the car is at a standstill in ZERO wind it is free convection that is happening - as the natural buoyancy of the hot air rises.
While the car is moving it is forced convection. If there is also any wind it is also forced convection.
Anyway. Did you see that after the jammed wheel-nut was finally removed after a couple tries it got red hot? It was glowing like a lava stone. Now, this was due to the raw friction involved removing a cross threaded nut. It was plastically deformed - litterally wrung like plastic till the temperatures reached near melting point to remove it.
Just saying that a small temperature change whether 100*C or 200*C is not going to jam the nuts, seeing that the guys removed it even after it got red hot.
In fact nuts are usually easier to remove at elevated temperatures. My BMW has copper locking nuts on the exhaust. I changed them to stainless steel, and lo and behold the steel nuts fell off after a few days of driving. They just loosend up all by them selves and fell off. The studs were 8.8 steel.
With aluminum you would expect it to actually expand more than titanium on heating.
Here is a table of thermal expansion. You can see the thermal expansion coefficients of Ti, Al, Stainless steel etc. ... -90143.pdf