Although I agree with Tom, being drunk is not the same as being a rebel, quite the contrary. And drunken pilots, well... how could I put it? A banker with bounced checks, for example? A talking mime? As the old saying goes: if you die in a car accident while driving
and it is your fault, they take away your license, not to mention your super-license!
Of course Kimi have the right to party (I shall say, the
duty to party!), but he should get a designated driver to be able to go wild, and he knows it.
Back to thread, I am starting to know you:
You are never going to agree on the possibility of making fair comparison between Schumacher and Raikkonen results, not even if both drive for Ferrari: the car is suited to the former, the team, the wind, the pressure, the full moon, blah, blah.
So, here is my proposal:
Only way to know would be to have a formal, points-awarding-for-pilot-championship,
karting race in the calendar every year, like Montoya is trying to do in Cartagena.
Wouldn't this be a greater race than Hungaroring? (hey, good idea, Ciro! Let's talk to Bernie right now...

). We really need a nice kart circuit there... right besides the Caribbean, a beautiful spot in this planet, absent from F1 racing.

Don't you people know paradise when you see it?
I suggest to put this race in early DECEMBER when the people in Europe is freezing, and when, of course, the constructor championship would be already decided.
You could not rant forever about the constructors and FIA possible conflicts of interest! muahahahahaha! It would be the pilots and their racing teams, "mano a mano".
This would settle forever these puerile

disputes about who is the greatest. I vote for 20 points (only for pilot championship) for the first place in this hypotetical kart race, which would make it the decission maker for the championship.

And I'll put all my bets on Alonso. Well, maybe a couple of bucks on Kimi, who knows... and thinking about Schumi, the old fox, maybe I would watch him carefully... and of course, if they invite Montoya...