Kiril Varbanov wrote:For the ... I have some suspicions, I'll answer them on Tuesday.
Offtopic, answering on Tuesday - the site is back up and running, is a bit down, however, so not all of the images will appear. Please don't overload it
Addition: checked some Looking glass instruments, looks like some major carriers cross-over links in Frankfurt, Germany are down, and this is a large Internet cross point. Anyway, should be back at some point.
Back on topic: someone asked about front wing gills tested on Friday on F2012, and I'll take the chance to repost a picture, thanks to Michal Respond from
It appears to be a bit like Mclaren front wing, and looking at the shape and direction of the elements, it seems they are just there for more front grip and downforce, but I can't be sure without any CFD, which I'm aiming to get soon.