You are right about the break, I have to do this more often and it is important to relax during the day. A lot of people forget about this !

Proficient would not be the correct word I think (I am using Catia V5 R19 btw). I have built few small parts from A to Z including studies of the bearing life, and so on, and I think I can model pretty much everything, although I'm not that familiar with the GSE module. I prefer to work on "solid" parts (therefore the body part of the car is not my cup of tea

One time I also have to have a look at Keyshot, it looks really interesting, thanks a lot for your advice ! =D>
Well the interface is not that difficult to do, actually I think its the "fun" part of my project. And yes what I am doing with this project is that the user is entering the car information (aero, engine, transmission), then everything gets loaded into my Simulink model to make the calculation and after the simulation the results can be seen in the user interface or exported to an Excel file for further analysis. It is also possible to save the setup of a car, create other setups, save them, so you don't lose what you've done. It is of course possible to load the car setup you want through the interface ! Again, it is not as difficult as it sounds ! However, the Simulink model IS quite complex ! At the moment, if I "screenshot" all the parts of the model, it won't fit an A2 page (and I have made it as much compact as possible).
A last thing is that I cannot really post too in-depth information about this project (hence why I haven't created my own thread) because there are other teams around internet and they could come on this and you know, we don't want to give other teams a chance to beat us (eventho we finished only 8th this year). I wouldn't mind personally, but if my school comes across the thread...

But I am looking forward to updates on your work, it looks really great ! =D>