ok i will try to, as i dont have any cfd software at home and at work i can only use it for things which i cannot publish here i will simply line out some general things. I only have experience with the cfd-functionallity of solidworks 2010 professional edition and compared to that the actual starccm and cfx versions. I actually do not have any knowledge about autodesk cfd functionallity but i think like solidworks it will not match the capacities of a specallised cfd software. Perhaps someone else can elaborate on that.
The first and obvious reason why cfd software has to be better, is that it is still in use. If cad programs would be as good in simulating cfd as special cfd tools, nobody would buy and use cfd software, because you need to buy cad software anyway
Ok now straight forward to some facts:
What do you need when using cfd tools.
1. I want good control about the generated mesh, i want to manually improve / mesh when needed. I want different mesh types to minimize nummerical errors in boundary layers or arround shock waves. In solid works these mesh options were very limited.
2. I want to control the types of boundarys. I dont want to simply chose a type of boundary and look what happens. Maybe i have some meassurement results (for example heat distribution at an outlet.) I want to be able to map these things to the boundarys. Simply taking mean vaules will not work if you want accurate results. Here again solidworks lacks options.
3. I want to be able to automate repeative steps in my work process. The cfd tools i mentiond earlier have great macro techniques for that, solidworks hasn't.
4. Solving process. Options to choose different solvers, preconditioners, maybe even add another existing solver....
5. Results.
I need to be able check the numerical errors for each cell seperatly. If i cant do this i cant say that the heat/perssure velocity etc is correct at this point. Again solidworks lacks options here.
Last but not least i dont want to bash solidworks or autodesk, they both are great cad tools. I would also give it a try to simulate simple flows with them. But when i want to simulate exhaust flow, i wouldn't even trust the specalised cfd software.