the car was not illegal, if it was, it would have been excluded from the race or the team would have been ordered to change to normal maps and allowed to start from pits, the wording of the rule 5.5.3. was so loose, that it allowed their (RB) interpretation even though some thought of it as a traction control measure, which it clearly wasn't, it was a driver aid, and these two are not the samebruceafc wrote:Im not on this forum much but here me out.
So if there having to make a change to the regs on the red bull surley that means there car must have be illegal to race at Germany, why is there a sudden need to change a regulation if nothing was found to be illegal on the red bull at the Germany Gp.
quite sad IMO that things like these are outlawed, I bet other teams just panicked about this and tried to shut it down asap, just so RB doesn't perfect it and become unreachable again, this discipline becomes more and more boring from technical point of view, next thing we know - it will turn into cart racing, different colors, different stickers, same car for everyone
edit: changed wording, FIA style