Leptech transmission concept

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Leptech transmission concept


There is absolutely no problem with a Hybrid being Automatic, Semi-Automatic or Manual.

Indeed, it beggars understanding why Manufacturers are NOT providing the full gambit of control options.

It only requires some additional Software controland would work with either a "Drive-By-Wire" stick or Paddles etc.

It mostly comes down to the 'Market' that manufacturers are trying to get into.

European drivers mostly prefer 'Stick' gearboxes whereas America is predeominantly Automatic.

So you see it makes sense to develop a car that provides all capabilities.... with the simple flick of a switch :-)

Manufacturers are REALLY missing out on this at the moment! For example it allows a couple, family etc to enjoy their preferred style of driving with the same car.

Our technology allows this and provides full switchability between fixed Ratios, Variable Ratio, or mixed modes with Hybrid/Dual Drive capability built in. This allows the car to be driven as a full Hybrid mode system giving maximum efficiency etc or you can take it on the race track and blitz performance.

See:- http://www.eurekamagazine.co.uk/article ... able-.aspx

Joined: 04 Oct 2009, 15:03

Re: Hybrid cars, transmission


Or you could invest in my ESERU which does all of the above and much more in a much more compact unit.
Patent details are on a seperate thread and were posted on here long before Zero shift called in the receiver.

Joined: 03 Aug 2012, 13:28

Re: Hybrid cars, transmission


Autogyro your response is fallible on a number of areas:-

1) You have not seen our technologies and cannot therefore state that your technology is in anyway better or more compact than ours, (Note the Eureka Article clearly states that we can reduce a current Transmission in size by as much as 30%-80%. We can create a 256 fixed Ratio gearbox, each with with VR control, in the same volume as a standard 6-speed Automatic gearbox.

2) Having looked at the 'graphics' of your design whereby you utilise numerous Planetary sections, each with their own motor control, I can safely say that your system is neither more compact or novel. There are numerous Patents that cover utilising multiple Planetary sets with motors etc, so you are highly unlikely to get a Patent in any country - sorry.

3) Our technologies would allow us to easily build a 16 fixed Ratio Transmission, with each ratio having Infinitly Variable Ratio (IVR) control.... in the same space as you Six Planetary form.

4) I think my 'investement' would therefore be better spent on our technologies.

5) Maybe??? you should be considering investing in ours instead :-)

6) At present we are developing a prototype Transmission to replace the standard 5-speed transmission of a Porsche 911 in partnership with a Motorsport company in the Midlands.... Have you established any Partnership(s) with any auto-related companies yet???

7) As part of our legal proceedings against Zeroshift, we have shown our technologies to Patent Attorneys in Liverpool to obtain 'Independant' Patent Attorney evidence. It turned out however, that they could not act on our behalf because of a "Conflict of Interest". The Patent Attorney was blown away with our technologies (at peast 7 independently Patentable technologies according to them. The Conflict of Interest was that it supercedes pretty well all other forms of Transmission technology as we stated. Turns out that one of the Patent Attorney's major Client's was...... Torotrak!

So you see Autogyro, I think our technologies are at a much further advancement than yours, is Patentable, and is under development with a Motorsport company.

Joined: 04 Oct 2009, 15:03

Re: Leptech transmission concept


I see, so the perbury system lives on then.
Have they found a way to move the discs and keep them driving without using lots of energy then?
That would be interesting.
Gets impossible at high torque levels as with any CVT or TVT.
I helped Tony Rudd at Lotus with the development of the fluid currently used for traction in such units.
Must take a look at those old patents.
Why would anybody want a 256 ratio stepped gearbox?
I did once design a 25 speed bevel epi gearbox with very low torque loss but that was for a landspeed record vehicle.

But I digress.
Good luck to you and your investors.
I will wait to see the results.
Last edited by autogyro on 06 Aug 2012, 00:15, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 08 May 2008, 17:45

Re: Leptech transmission concept


I feel like a second class citizen at F1tech these days, not having a transmission concept of my own. Anyone want to become an angel investor in the PupTekq Quantum Variable Concept? I'm sure it will be killer, once I figure up what it might do and how it might do it. But it's bleeding edge stuff - I wouldn't have put a Q in there if it weren't.

Joined: 04 Oct 2009, 15:03

Re: Leptech transmission concept


Pup wrote:I feel like a second class citizen at F1tech these days, not having a transmission concept of my own. Anyone want to become an angel investor in the PupTekq Quantum Variable Concept? I'm sure it will be killer, once I figure up what it might do and how it might do it. But it's bleeding edge stuff - I wouldn't have put a Q in there if it weren't.
Hahaha, well said Pup.
Perhaps I should follow Ian's example and get a prototype of my ESERU built but the problem is, I have a complete engineering company sitting here to do the job but I cant justify the investment just to convince an industry that is so close minded and living in the 19th century when it comes to transmissions.
I have an idea on which system the Leptech is based and I wish Ian all the luck in the world in getting it built.
The problem is that all transmissions that use CVT or TVT systems have to use energy to move the variable drive components and to keep them driving, so far the trade off in energy use is to high compared to current types in use.

Joined: 03 Aug 2012, 13:28

Re: Leptech transmission concept


Some valid responses there Autogyro;

1) If I'm not mistaken I think Torotrak have gone into receivership/administration too?

2) Yep, a 256 ratio box is simply theorytical. The obvious thing is that we provide Infinite Ratio Control around all fixed ratios so there only needs to be between 4-8 Fixed ratio 'conditions' for any vehicle (maybe pushed to 12 for Trucks, construction etc).

3) Nope I doubt Torotrak could possibly overcome the natural restrictions of the Laws of Physics when it comes to 'sliding' the Discs across the Semispheres - while also transmitting power using a 'non-newtonian' fluid principle :)

4) Yep quite agree regarding attitudes of companies. The big one is the "Not Invented Here" syndrome and not to mention the "How could someone like you design/create something better than us". Some companies just cannot see a 'gift-horse' when it's thrust under their noses.

5) I've also presented some of my technologies to Hewland & Ricardo. Ricardo in particualr where blown away by the fact that I could accelerate the vehicle, while recuperating energy. You see your response about injecting energy to 'drive' the Variable Control is partly wrong.....

6) Our technology is not encumbered by utilising multiple Motors with some motors 'driving' while others are used to 'convert' mechanical to electrical energy; which is highly inefficient. Our technology 'embodies the recuperative effects mechanically back into the driving path to mitigate energy transformation losses etc.

7) Like you, progress is exceptionally slow.

8) I'm also sorry to note that you too have been 'ripped off' in the past with your endeavours and hope you succeed in your future escapades :D

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Re: Leptech transmission concept


So Ian are you able to give a bit more info on how your system works...? The link above gives what its capable of, but no talk of the internal mechanisms... or are you worried about copycats?

from my point of view Auto's thread was one of the most interesting on F1Tech, the only downside was that Auto seemed to skirt around answering some technical questions; I guess due to the same worry over people stealing his ideas... :-(

Joined: 03 Aug 2012, 13:28

Re: Leptech transmission concept


Hello Machin,

Unfortunately we can't give anything 'internal' away due to the effects it would have on Patent applications etc. There's also the very real possibility that giving away even 'cursory' information can give someone enough to allow them to 'derive' a comparable system.

It's not that we don't want to.

there's a lot of people who seem to 'insist' that others should file Patents etc but Patents don't actually provide protection.

Patents only allow you to establish a 'stake-in-the-gorund' against which you can use to take legal action if necessary. THe Patent Offices will not administer, monitor, enforce Patents.

Once a Patent is filed you can still 'screw up' the protection by releasing too much information. It's only once the Patent is actually "Published" which could be upto 18 months after filing that you can stop holding your breath and let the cat truly out of the bag.

Joined: 03 Aug 2012, 13:28

Re: Leptech transmission concept


As a side note, Patents are not the be-all for business purposes.

Many companies don't use Patents becuasthey are expensive to maintain & monitor and then enforce if needs be.

It's possilbe in some cases (e.g. in Military etc that I've worked in) to deliver a product in a "BLACK-BOX" form, which means the item cannot be opened or inspected or reverse-engineered, thereby protecting it's 'secrets'.

Many Automotive companies purchase new cars from their competitors purely so they can strip them down and 'learn' the manufacturing methods, techniques, technology etc.

Automotive companies also trawl Patents etc to see if they can 'Copy' or circcumvent ill-produced Patents.

My own Patent attorneys spend a lot of their time simply generating reports for Patent Infringement which happens so regularly that most readers on here would probably be outraged at just how common it is.

So Filing Patents too early can be highly detrimental for a small company.

Joined: 08 May 2008, 17:45

Re: Leptech transmission concept


One might be 'forgiven' for 'questioning' the 'purpose' behind 'posting' about 'something' you don't want to 'talk' about.

Joined: 04 Oct 2009, 15:03

Re: Leptech transmission concept


I beleive it was Marconi who placed all his 'invention' in a wooden box but that was to circumvent patent law not to protect a patent. What was it they found when they opened the box? hahaha nothing new.
That is the problem with vehicle engineering, it has almost all been done before and done to death.
The trouble is, each new generation still think they have new ideas.
In transmission technology it takes many decades of study and experience to even touch on something workable and new.
Machin will bear me out on that.

the Marconi analogy reminds me of other telecommunication firms working with close similarity to BT Communications, although with Marconi it was the post office of course.
BJC does come to mind but for other reasons than technical.

Machin is correct there are things left out in my system.
It will take some one copying the system at least £4 million to find the gap and even then they will have to work out how to sort it.
If they ever do so it is then I will hit them with the documentation.

Joined: 03 Aug 2012, 13:28

Re: Leptech transmission concept


Autogyro, Patent Law requires the full disclosure of how an invention works. Witholding vital information, that prevents someone 'reproducing' the end product invalidates the Protection.

The only place I know of that allows a person to establish prior rights with 'confidential' information (i.e. that is not disclosed in a Patent etc) is the USA. They allow a person to establish ownership based on formal evidence of prior dated documentation. The reason the US allows this is to circumvent Companies, individuals etc who get wind of an idea illegally (e.g. a person under an NDA discloses it to them without the knowledge etc of the owner) and that person then runs straight to the Patent office to file the Patent first. In that case the owner with the formally documented and dated proof can negate the Usurper.

If you have filed your initial Patent in the UK Autogyro then I don't believe you can use prior dated evidence, since it is not captured in the Patent.

P.S. If there is a 'gap' in your technology then it does not take £4 Million to 'find' it. They just need to use their brains and modern research on the Interenet will often show up techniques etc.


Joined: 03 Aug 2012, 13:28

Re: Leptech transmission concept


Hello Pup.

In answer to your question as to why post information without disclosing it....

The webmaster created this thread to allow our technology 'separated' from Autogyro's and other threads.

The objective is to allow us to disclose updates of progress as events unfold. Eventually yes, there will hopefully be disclosure but not without necessary protection etc.

It's also to give those interested in gaining access to the technology the ability to contact us, but the obvious condition here is that we are not interested in those simply wanting to 'see' the technology and how it works. Our objective is to find those interested in helping bring the technology to fruition.

How often does anyone on a site such as this get the opportunity to aid the uptake of promising technology rather than simply hearing and discussing it?

Joined: 04 Oct 2009, 15:03

Re: Leptech transmission concept


That answers all my questions Ian and will also confirm what others are thinking.
Good luck with your attempts Ian.
I fail to see how a Porsche 911 can be used as a workable development test bed but perhaps you know better.


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