Pup wrote:Ignoring that...
The reasoning is simple. You kinda answered the question. They arbitrarily capped GA at what they say was 40K. Why? It's not for lack of room. Some people think they did it for the same reasons they've throttled GS sales and might be throttling PSL conversions...to regulate the supply/demand relationship. Of course they will want to get as many people out there as they can, and 1-day GA is an untapped market.Not sure I understand the reasoning behind single day GA tickets. If they've sold out of 3-day, then the only way they can sell single day is to add more GA area - open the infield or something. And if they do that, then why not sell more 3-day passes? No reason they can't do both I suppose - the infield at T10 would be great seating. Their ability to add GA, or any other seating for that mater probably has a lot more to do with permits and facilities than anything else at this point.