Some years ago i started the building of my f1 car.
A Ferrari F12000 replica with a steel tube chassis, fiberglass body and motorcycle engine (see or for pictures or info)
Now i'm changing many parts of this car with original f1 parts (front and rear wishbones and pushrods, front and rear uprights, gearbox, etc)
I bought front and rear uprights of spyker 2007 f1 car (front uprights was complete of upper steering/camber plate as in pictures).
I'am having a problem with the front uprights because i don't understand exactly how was really fixed in the original car.
I found many pictures but no one in which i see how are mounted (because in all the pictures there are the carbon brake duct that cover the view).
As i said the uprights should be spyker 2007 (but from many pictures that i saw, could be midland 2006 ......or jordan 2005 too).
They have the midland wheel nut but is possible to mount Jordan wheel nut too.
The gold brake bells in pictures were bought after, are jordan and are ok for this uprights.
well, the questions:
1) The front upright is mounted as in the first picture (with the upper plate, where is joined the steering rod, parallel to the the line) or is mounted as in the second picture (with the lower part/lower line of the upright parallel to the ground) ?
2) seeing these pictures, in both case, the blue line that joins the 2 holes where are fixed the wishbones (lower and upper) is not perpendicular to the ground but turns to the left (the upper hole where is attached the wishbone is more rear than the lower).
Is right in this way ?
Could be the steering plate wrong (not of this upright) ?
I saw another topic in this forum that speaks about the uprights (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=12431&p=329290&hili ... lt#p329290) but i didn't found useful info.
Someone could help me ?
Someone has pictures of jordan/midland/spyker suspensions where to see exactly how the uprights are mounted or has info about?
many thanks to all for the help
I hope to be clear and Sorry for my imperfect english
Kind regards
Others pictures: