Well this is my first post so please be a little gentle with me

I am a final year student at the uni of herts.
Part of my project is to desgin a rear wing using CFD for the SAE formula student car, not scritly F1, but i am only a wee student

Just after some info really.... So if anyone could answer any of these questions in as much or little detail as poss then please do
Need to find out what airfoils are used for rear wings?
(NACA 4-series, 5-series etc...)
One for the aero people out there, is there anywhere i can find information on these standard airfoils, i.e. when NACA designed it, it generated x lift at x speeds
And does anyone know how to use PHOENICS cos i am finding it a pile of brown smelly stuff.
Well guys this is it for the moment as i am getting a little stressed with very little help form tutors
All help greatly apprecitaed