Ah common 'sick and tired of watching the drivers die'. How can you ever be sick en tired of something that hasnt happened in almost 20 years and didnt happen a while before that.
Great that you show Massa's photo, since I have recalled twice already that that is pretty much the only danger for F1 drivers in the car. And slowing down the cars is going to help? Very little is that going to help. Instead of slowing the cars down they might take more time looking into these 'windshield' thingies.
And seriously, sick and tired of watching drivers die, that just goes a bit too far in my book, the last time a real injury happened in f1 was 2004 if i recall. That is almost 10 years from now. Isnt it clear how safe it is? Like said, danger is part of lots of sport, and they took the danger out of f1 in the last 15 years, now they are doing nothing more than reducing this excitement to increase safety of things that could happen, therefore I am all for bulletproof cars, since a sniper could happen, also terrorism could happen, just like a crash of a plane full of f1 personell, the likelyhood of these things happening are magnitued higher than a driver dieyng in a f1 crash, why arent these things protected then?
This all comes from a fan who is sick and tired of these old tards doing nothing more than fill their pockets and making the sport unnecesarily slow, all to protect the drivers from a risk that isnt there.