coming back to my idea from april ..
í think the idea ain´t bad at all.
The Big honcho teaams would still need to find aall the money they can possibly find -but a fair bit of that effort does flow back into a pot from which every team does participate at the same rate ...
This system -you have to put 50% of your budget into a common pot would currently result in roughly 100mill€ per team
received from this pot .
A Team with 300Mill€ would have to put 150mill € into the pot and getting back just 100 -resulting in a 250mill€ total budget.
A team like HRT would of course get a huge 100mill back for their say 30mill put in
A team which has a 200mill€ budget would remain exactly there....
So it would be a great leveler financially ...If you want to spend more -fine but it will cost you a lot more to spend the extra dollar ..the gains will be effectively halved +the small teams suddenly have money to gain competitiveness +they have their own chance to attract sponsors and partners..
Also say Williams have a problem losing a big sponsor -no problem there -the community will cater for this and everyone has a bit less to spend ...
In effect it would lead to teams trying to be more efficient instead of finding more money so as not to help the opponents.