Talking to a turbo expert

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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


WhiteBlue wrote:If I read you right you deny that the turbocharged engine will be intrinsically more fuel efficient than a NA engine. I find that hard to believe.
This statement is so unconditionally open ended that you can’t possibly answer it without specific qualifications and stipulations as there are a HUGE number of variables.

Is this simply a comparison of two similar capacity and architecture units with only the method of induction being the differentiation?
What is the turbo unit’s primary purpose?
Is it a performance engine or an economy engine?
Are there fuel flow restrictions in place?
What were the priorities of the engineers?
How is the engine “used” in the comparison?
Does the engine require increased fueling for in cylinder cooling when “on boost”?
What intercooling systems are applied to the intake?

Also, as far as I can see you haven’t actually defined what your definition of fuel efficient is.

Is it the typical fuel used per unit of distance traveled maybe you are looking at specific output per unit of fuel used or are you trying to equate specific output by capacity or perhaps the efficiency of the energy recapture systems?

From personal experience in racing turbocharged vehicles, it is not uncommon for a smaller capacity turbo engine to use more fuel than a larger capacity NA engine at the same race. Turbos while extracting more power from smaller capacities require substantial fueling to produce that power and remain reliable for various reasons.

All that aside, and assuming that we are discussing two similar capacity and architecture units running on the same fuel, I would on first principles say that a turbo charged engine will be intrinsically less fuel efficient (that being fuel used per unit of distance traveled) than a similar naturally aspirated engine.

However, it will provide similar power and possibly better fuel efficiency than a dissimilar larger capacity engine when used under certain circumstances.

More simply a turbocharger is simply a torque multiplier which works by increasing the effective capacity of the engine to which it is attached. It does this by increasing the absolute intake pressures above ambient atmospheric pressures, increasing the volume of oxygen available in the intake charge which allows more fuel to be utilised for power production.

Where a turbo charged engine is utilizing the extra intake pressure, there is a corresponding increase in specific fuel consumption and a corresponding increase in specific power output. As such a turbocharged engine will (generally) produce more power than a similarly size NA engine, however it does so at the cost of a proportional increase in fuel consumption reducing fuel efficiency.

As such, a turbocharged engine can be less fuel efficient when measured as fuel used per unit of distance traveled.

So, Edis’ statement is correct in saying that, generally “The reason you turbocharge a gasoline engine isn't for efficiency, …..instead you use turbocharging to compensate for the power loss caused by downsizing.”

IMHO, what Edis is saying (please correct me if I am wrong) is that turbochargers are used to increase the specific power output of smaller engines when “on boost” to regain any power deficit from the smaller capacity and allow the advantage of the “off-boost” fuel economy gains from the smaller engine when using it in cruise or low load situations.

Edis is also correct that a smaller capacity engines generally also benefit from lower pumping, frictional, inertial and heat losses than a larger capacity engines. However this discounts the effect of typically lower compression ratio’s on off-boost performance and fuel economy which is another consideration.
WhiteBlue wrote:If you go back to the example of the Porsche Cayenne V8 engine you will find a discrepancy with your statement. Porsche did not downsize the engine but added a turbocharger in order to raise the power.
I think you are drawing a few very long bows in your conclusion and making a few assumptions without looking at the wider view.

Yes, Porsche did not downsize the 4.8Lt V8 engine. This decision had nothing to do with an increase in power for the Turbo and Turbo S and this decision had absolutely nothing to do with fuel efficiency and everything to do with economies of scale for the production of engine units and the associated cost savings.

As such, fuel efficiency for the Turbo and Turbo S was negatively affected, however in very simplistic terms power increased over the NA engine’s 294kw’s to the Turbos 368kw’s & the Turbo S’s 405kw’s.

So if you are simply equating efficiency to power per unit of capacity of the engine then sure, it’s simple maths.
294kw / 4.8Lt = 61.25kw/Lt is lower than
368kw / 4.8Lt = 76.67kw/Lt which is also lower than
405kw / 4.8Lt = 84.38kw/Lt.

However, as a family member actually owns a current series Porsche Cayenne Turbo S, which I use as frequently as I can, I have some experience with its fuel economy or lack thereof!!

The 4.8Lt V8 NA Cayenne GTS has official combined fuel economy figures 10.7L/100km (21.98 MPG)and it’s VERY easy to get it up around 18 or 19Lt/100km (12 - 13 MPG) in city or "spirited" driving. You really need to push the NA engine to get it moving.

The Cayenne Turbo S lists 11.5Lt/100KM (20.45MPG) as its official combined fuel economy figure which is as a starting point worse than the NA GTS, so it is intrinsically less fuel efficient per unit of distance traveled. I can also 100% assure you that if you push the Turbo S and use the boost from the turbos, it is more like 25+lt/100kms (9.5 MPG)!!

Moving away from the simple fuel consumption figures, you must also consider that in adding the turbos and increasing the maximum output of the engine, they also increased the overall weight by 150kgs (2,140kgs vs. 2,290kgs) by the addition of turbos, manifolds, intercoolers, associated plumbing, larger brakes, stronger components etc. which negatively effects fuel efficiency and the engine unit simply weigh more and if you are seriously reviewing a units efficiency then you must consider it resulting weight.

Perhaps more importantly, the engine itself also saw increases the fuel injector sizes and most importantly a reduction in the compression ratio from 12.5:1 to 10.5:1 which reduces off boost efficiency negatively effecting fuel efficiency. You cannot simply exclude the increased weight associated with turbo charging nor the off boost loss of efficiency from reduced compression ratios in any efficiency calculation IMHO.

So are you actually advocating that the Cayenne Turbo S is more fuel efficient than the Cayenne Turbo and the Cayenne GTS given its published fuel consumption data??

I would find that hard to believe and the numbers certainly do not support your theory, nor does my wallet and its experience with the Turbo S’s fuel consumption @ US$2.30/Lt or US$8.72/gallon
WhiteBlue wrote:If you look at the figures they suggest that the turbocharged version is considerably more fuel efficient than the naturally aspired version.

As above I do not see it in the published figures, so what are the figures of which you speak? As per the above and from my personal experience, the any Cayenne Turbo S is definitively NOT more fuel efficient than the NA version.

Another example would be the Subaru Impreza and STi. Both are similar versions of the same chassis with similar architecture engines, one being turbo and the other NA. The STi is certainly less fuel efficient from a fuel used per unit of distance traveled however it does produce more power from the same capacity.
WhiteBlue wrote:This is also what the Garrett expert whose words opened this thread suggest for a road going engine. He said that you turbocharge for better driving experience and fuel efficiency.
Standing aside from the fact the source has a very obvious vested interest it certain statements, you also need to consider the context of the comments.

What I think is being said is that you turbocharge a smaller capacity engine to regain some of the power lost in reducing the capacity and gain an efficiency advantage against a larger capacity engines by utilizing the “off-boost” fuel economy gains of the smaller capacity for cruising/low load situations. I do not think he was advocating turbocharged engines as more fuel efficient specific performance or race platforms.

I would proffer that he is not saying turbocharging a similar engine makes it more fuel efficient than a naturally aspirated version, especially so in performance applications, but that it can make more specific power and be advantageous against a larger capacity engine thanks to other factors like weight and low load cruise.
WhiteBlue wrote:If we look at the last time we had turbos going against NA engines in F1 it certainly looked like the turbos were more fuel efficient than the NAs.
F1 turbos were renowned for their extreme levels of fuel use and the previous turbo era is often referred to as the “gas guzzling turbo age”. Hardly a resounding endorsement of their fuel efficiency.

1987 saw 1.5Lt turbos limited to 4 bar absolute boost pressure, no fuel limits running against 3.5Lt capacity NA engines. You can’t possibly be advocating that the 1.5Lt turbos used less fuel than the NA 3.5Lt capacity engines.

1988 saw the 1.5Lt turbos limited to 2.5 bar absolute boost pressure and fuel limits of 155lts/race running against 3.5Lt NA capacity engines. Again, the turbos dominated however they had constant problems meeting the fuel requirements where boost was often turned down where they were passed by the NA runners. Once the boost was turned up again they could catch the NA drivers but the turbo cars barely finished the races with remaining while from all reports the NA runners were starting with less than the maximum 155Lt to gain a weight advantage. Again, this shows that the turbo engine were not more fuel efficient, but that they were less efficient and required careful monitoring of their fuel use so as to even make the end of a race.
WhiteBlue wrote:There is also the indisputable fact that adding a turbocharger will reduce the kinetic and thermal energy level of the exhaust gas at the tail pipe. All other things being equal that necessitates a higher efficiency of the turbocharged engine. The turbo engine can convert that energy difference into useful power that is wasted by the NA engine.
Agreed, it is more efficient on first principles in the capture of potentially lost energy, however you are still only recapturing energy (primarily as heat) provided by the burning of extra fuel and that energy isn’t directly correlated to an equivalent increase in power of the engine. It is transformed through various stages and still relies on the use of extra fuel so is not a direct correlation.

You said that “all other things being equal”, however very little is equal in this comparison and there are a myriad of variables to consider. Lower compression ratios, increased weight, increased fuel consumption to match increased air flow, exhaust restrictions, different cam profiles etc, the list is very, very long. You need to be careful not to confuse fuel efficiency with efficiency of energy recapture which can result in the use of more fuel in simple turbo applications.

Also as an aside, the kinetic energy of the exhaust stream is secondary to the primary heat energy extracted through expansion in the turbine housing.
WhiteBlue wrote:I'm not saying that downsizing profits only from turbo charging. There is also the aspect of the improved mechanical efficiency that you describe. Both effects are contributing to the success of downsized engines. It would be wrong IMO to deny any of the two effects their contribution to the efficiency improvement.
I would put it forward that were the fuel flow restrictions not put in place in 2014, there would be zero efficiency increase coming from the move from the current V8’s to the smaller turbo V6’s. The turbo V6’s would use similar or even greater amount of fuel to cover the same race distances as engineers would simply increase boost to make equivalent or greater power and use corresponding amounts of fuel.

As such, fuel efficiency, which again should not be confused to efficiency of energy recapture, is simply equitable (in my mind at least) to the amount of fuel used to cover a specific unit of distance. Turbo's simply do not generally provide an increase in fuel efficiency for most (not all) applications and certainly not for performance or racing applications.
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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


aussiegman, for the sake of the debate please use Brake Thermal Efficiency or power rated official fuel consumption when I speak about fuel efficiency. It is simply more convenient to use the short form.

I do not agree to your stipulation that things are so terribly difficult as you make them. At least when we focus on the thermodynamic computations and the method of energy balance we tend to see the confirmation for the hypothesis that turbos intrincsically provide higher BTE.

Perhaps, for the sake of accuracy I should exclude privately tuned vehicles and exotic racing vehicles from my hypothesis that do not fit into a standard marketing scheme. The owners of such vehicles may pursue other objectives compared to manufacturers and may find it stimulating to use turbos in a way that negates their typical advantages.

For all road going vehicles there are approved methods to publish fuel consumption. As I always look for something comparable to BTE it makes sense to rate road cars - which are not marketed by peak power consumption figures - by their official consumption per kW or bhp. I do not deny that you can waste more fuel with a car that has a higher powered engine. But that does not prove anything in terms of the figures used for marketing comparison.

When we talk about racing engines let us look at some approved figures. The current 2.4L V8 NA engines have a BTE of 29% as we established painstakingly in a thread that was quoted by me several post up from this. The 1988 Honda 1.5L V6T had already 33-36% BTE. That is a massive difference if you express it in power. If we had access to the contemporary 3.5L V12 figures we would see a tremendous difference as these engines were the real gas guzzlers. The turbos compared to their enormous power output were pretty frugal. If you push a 900 bhp race engine to 1,400 bhp in qualifying mode you cannot be surprise that it takes a surprising fuel quantity. So lets compare apples with apples.

An educated guess by me puts the 1990 Ferrari 3.5L V12 to 25.6% BTE. I'm quite prepared to accept another value if you have access to fuel consumption figures of 1989-1991 but frankly I would be massively surprised if I were much off with that. So if you compare the contemporary engines of the late 80ties you are looking at a difference of 8% BTE, or in absolute figures 25% more per power fuel consumption of the NA machine.

If there is any doubt which one was the better racing engine have a look at the power/weight ratios. The McLaren/Honda had 1.67 bhp/kg (540kg). The Ferrari had 1.35 bhp/kg (503 kg). They must have changed the minimum weight between 1988 and 1990 to make the NAs look better. And this astonishing performance advantage of the turbo engine came with only 75% of the per power fuel consumption of the V12 as our BTE suggests. Ferrari must have pulled a sensational lobbying trick in 1989 to sell this technological dinosaur to the F1 world. A dismal triumph of politicking over engineering in my view!

If there is anything to add we can go back to the current crop of V8s and compare them to the planned V6Ts. I'm predicting 40% BTE for the turbos and near equal power if you include the electric turbo compounding. This will give them a similar fuel consumption advantage as we have seen 25 years ago. The turbos will have at least 33% less consumption or in absolute figures only 77% of the V8s fuel consumption. Not much has changed in quarter of a century if you compare turbo vs NA for fuel consumption. In my view this is no miracle. It is the inherent fuel efficiency advantage that comes from reclaiming kinetic and thermal waste energy from the exhaust gas stream.
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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


As an after thought I may put my guestimate for the V12 fuel consumption into writing. It is based on the following figures.
fuel capacity 215 L
actual consumption average race 205 L
fuel density 0.75 kg/L
spec. energy 48 MJ/kg
engine peak power 500 kW
average race power 0.7 peak = 350 kW
race duration 1.5h
--> race energy budged 7.38 MJ
--> race mechanical energy 1.89 MJ
BTE = 0.256
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

Tommy Cookers
Tommy Cookers
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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


[quote="Tommy Cookers"][quote="Tommy Cookers"]REPLACED
Last edited by Tommy Cookers on 02 Nov 2012, 19:38, edited 3 times in total.

Tommy Cookers
Tommy Cookers
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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


WhiteBlue wrote:As an after thought I may put my guestimate for the V12 fuel consumption into writing. It is based on the following figures.
fuel capacity 215 L
actual consumption average race 205 L
fuel density 0.75 kg/L
spec. energy 48 MJ/kg
engine peak power 500 kW
average race power 0.7 peak = 350 kW
race duration 1.5h
--> race energy budged 7.38 MJ
--> race mechanical energy 1.89 MJ
BTE = 0.256
weren't you quoting elsewhere 29% BTE for NAs ?
the 1988 fuel limits were 195 litres for the NA cars (having been reduced to 195 for both NA and turbo in 1987)

also the NAs were running on rich mixtures as they always did, and do today
AFAIK no-one is denying that because of this they were/are relatively inefficient (throwing away 20% of the fuel unburnt)
correcting for this boosts the efficiency by 12-15 % (but loses power)

BTW this is all I have ever said re the superiority of turbos (that F1 NAs were required to be powerful, not necessarily efficient)
this topic needs some dyno data for any of the endurance versions of F1 engines, there were so many
and data from other NA endurance engines

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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


WhiteBlue wrote:aussiegman, for the sake of the debate please use Brake Thermal Efficiency or power rated official fuel consumption when I speak about fuel efficiency. It is simply more convenient to use the short form.
So what you are really talking about is engine efficiency and not fuel efficiency at all and they are two very different things.

As BTE is a measure of the ratio of brake power (however measured) engine output to power input via fuel, you are not measuring fuel efficiency at all but the engines efficiency to extract energy (heat) from the fuel provided and turn it into work (torque) regardless of volumes used.
WhiteBlue wrote:I do not agree to your stipulation that things are so terribly difficult as you make them. At least when we focus on the thermodynamic computations and the method of energy balance we tend to see the confirmation for the hypothesis that turbos intrincsically provide higher BTE.
Yes, I am actually well versed and understand the application of various mechanisms for defining, calculating and determining engine efficiency based on thermodynamic analysis of various forms of IC engine(s) through application of the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics to provide a detailed analysis of how fuel energy and system exergy are used to produce torque or lost due to engine inefficiencies. I further proffer that my previous statements to your question of fuel efficiency are correct and a turbocharged engine is not intrinsically more fuel efficient while it may in certain circumstances increase engine efficiency and positively affect a measurement of BTE.

Regardless of this, I stipulate that you have been confusing various terminologies in talking about fuel efficiency and not engine efficiency, hence the variation.
WhiteBlue wrote:Perhaps, for the sake of accuracy I should exclude privately tuned vehicles and exotic racing vehicles from my hypothesis that do not fit into a standard marketing scheme. The owners of such vehicles may pursue other objectives compared to manufacturers and may find it stimulating to use turbos in a way that negates their typical advantages.
Why would you exclude this group??

Are you suggesting that owners of performance vehicles and privately tuned engines actually spend vast sums of money to go slower while racing or set out to reduce engine power? This exclusion seems very much a contradiction with your previous directions as first you wanted to (actually) measure engine efficiency and now you want to exclude a whole section of those that strive for exactly that goal? Seems very odd but it is, as they say, your party.

Additionally, I am unsure exactly what you mean by "that do not fit into a standard marketing scheme". So are we discussing road vehicles, F1 engines, fuel efficiency, engine BTE or Saatchi & Saatchi's latest sales pitch for the VW Blue Motion Golf??
WhiteBlue wrote:For all road going vehicles there are approved methods to publish fuel consumption.
Yes there is and these were the official Porsche figures I quoted previously in the examples of the Cayenne GTS, Cayenne Turbo and Cayenne Turbo S and these determine fuel efficiency and not engine efficiency.
WhiteBlue wrote:As I always look for something comparable to BTE it makes sense to rate road cars - which are not marketed by peak power consumption figures - by their official consumption per kW or bhp.
I am confused by this statement and your logic here. Again, vehicles and their engines are "marketed" depending on the demographic they are targeted at. A Bugatti Veyron isn't marketed on its fuel efficiency but its peak power in the same way a Fiat Panda isn't sold on peak power but fuel efficiency.
WhiteBlue wrote:I do not deny that you can waste more fuel with a car that has a higher powered engine. But that does not prove anything in terms of the figures used for marketing comparison.
Define "wasting fuel"?? And it has everything to do with marketing comparisons. As an example:

Two vehicles, same type, same weight and similar engines. One produces 250kw and uses 10.0Lt/100kms and the other makes 300kw and uses 11.0Lt/100kms. So are you saying that the 300kw engine wasting fuel as it uses more? Is the 11.0Lt/100km fuel efficiency inconsequential for marketing against its competitor that uses 10.0Lt/100km but produces less power?? I would argue that these numbers are very much flaunted by manufacturers to win sales.
WhiteBlue wrote:When we talk about racing engines let us look at some approved figures. The current 2.4L V8 NA engines have a BTE of 29% as we established painstakingly in a thread that was quoted by me several post up from this. The 1988 Honda 1.5L V6T had already 33-36% BTE. That is a massive difference if you express it in power. If we had access to the contemporary 3.5L V12 figures we would see a tremendous difference as these engines were the real gas guzzlers. The turbos compared to their enormous power output were pretty frugal. If you push a 900 bhp race engine to 1,400 bhp in qualifying mode you cannot be surprise that it takes a surprising fuel quantity. So lets compare apples with apples.
Again, this is an engine efficiency comparison and definitively NOT fuel efficiency comparison. Your statement "The turbos compared to their enormous power output were pretty frugal" bares this out. You are equating the engines ability to transfer energy into torque and not fuel efficiency which is a measure of fuel used per unit of distance traveled.

So if you want to compare apples and apples lets at least make sure your not talking potatoes in the first instance.
WhiteBlue wrote:An educated guess by me puts the 1990 Ferrari 3.5L V12 to 25.6% BTE. I'm quite prepared to accept another value if you have access to fuel consumption figures of 1989-1991 but frankly I would be massively surprised if I were much off with that. So if you compare the contemporary engines of the late 80ties you are looking at a difference of 8% BTE, or in absolute figures 25% more per power fuel consumption of the NA machine.

If there is any doubt which one was the better racing engine have a look at the power/weight ratios. The McLaren/Honda had 1.67 bhp/kg (540kg). The Ferrari had 1.35 bhp/kg (503 kg). They must have changed the minimum weight between 1988 and 1990 to make the NAs look better. And this astonishing performance advantage of the turbo engine came with only 75% of the per power fuel consumption of the V12 as our BTE suggests. Ferrari must have pulled a sensational lobbying trick in 1989 to sell this technological dinosaur to the F1 world. A dismal triumph of politicking over engineering in my view!

If there is anything to add we can go back to the current crop of V8s and compare them to the planned V6Ts. I'm predicting 40% BTE for the turbos and near equal power if you include the electric turbo compounding. This will give them a similar fuel consumption advantage as we have seen 25 years ago. The turbos will have at least 33% less consumption or in absolute figures only 77% of the V8s fuel consumption. Not much has changed in quarter of a century if you compare turbo vs NA for fuel consumption. In my view this is no miracle. It is the inherent fuel efficiency advantage that comes from reclaiming kinetic and thermal waste energy from the exhaust gas stream.
In relation to this, I will have to look over what I have access to, however as now we have established what we are discussing at least we can have a meaningful discussion.
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Tommy Cookers
Tommy Cookers
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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


riff_raff posted Aug 27th in 'Engine efficiency now & then'' thread (very usefully)

1991 Lamborghini F1 dyno run 227g/hp-hr at peak power 27% BTE
(I assume this was on usual rich mixture, and would be more efficient but less powerful otherwise)

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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


Tommy Cookers wrote:riff_raff posted Aug 27th in 'Engine efficiency now & then'' thread
1991 Lamborghini F1 dyno run 227g/hp-hr at peak power 27% BTE (and other useful stuff)
27% for a more recent engine is not so far away from the 25.6% that I estimated for the 1990 Ferrari engine. They ware making big steps in development these years. The Ferrari engine was actually designed for 1989 but was not raced because the semi auto gear box wasn't ready. So the Lamborghini was probably two more years advanced in the art.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

Tommy Cookers
Tommy Cookers
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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


you have again unfortunately caught an early version of my post

27% BTE on a rich mixture corresponds to 29.5 or 30% on a near-stoichiometric mixture (but less power) IMO

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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


Tommy Cookers wrote:@WB, I don't know where you get your 33% BTE for the 1988 Honda F1 engine. 272 g/kW-hr is the figure everybody has from the Honda paper for best sfc.
I got the figure from memory, but I'm prepared to use your base figure and the following data:
Power: 671 kW
Fuel: 90% tuluene,10% unknown
Fuel specific heat: 41 kJ/g

If I multiply correctly I get 182.5 kg/h or 50.7 g/s for the fuel flow
Multiplied with the specific heat I get thermal power of 2,078.7 kW
Building the ratio with the nominal power of the engine I get 32.3%
So I'm not so far away from the 33% I had in memory. But I agree it could be slightly less if we have to adjust the power level. If again my memory is correct the Honda engine had best efficiency at max power, but I'm not sure. Perhaps you can look it up in the paper.
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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


Tommy Cookers wrote:you have again unfortunately caught an early version of my post. 27% BTE on a rich mixture corresponds to 29.5 or 30% on a near-stoichiometric mixture (but less power) IMO
Realistically those PFI engines never run lean in racing conditions. They are nearly always on full throttle or completely off the throttle. Lean running may be less than 5% so it is negligible for our consideration.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


aussiegman, I believe that you are well aware what we are talking about. The issue is that according to my hypothesis turbo powered road and racing engines - and their cars if they are comparable - intrinsically need less petrol compared to naturally aspired engines.

Naturally we have difficulties to make comparisons due to the lack of data. And we also have problems to use consistent definitions for road cars and racing engines. All that should not be too confusing if we keep the objective in mind and use a consistent methodology for each category.

For racing engines we should use BTE and arrive at comparable values by consistently using equal assumptions and methods. I would exclude certain privately tuned vehicles because a tuner may not be concerned with fuel economy or may not have access to the best fitting turbo technology. Manufacturers typically fit that bill. This is why I suggested we focus on formula 1 racing engines and road cars. This proposal also has the advantage that contemporary vehicles will be comparable as they are build to the same formula specification. But if you have data from another racing series that tell a different story by all means put them here for further analysis.

For road cars I agreed further up to exclude the frictional effect from downsizing by using the same basic engine. This also has the advantage that we can compare the NA and turbo versions of the engine in the same vehicle. Your real world examples of fuel consumption are not really useful as there are no standardized methods for data generation. So we should focus on the manufacturers data for the milage and build the ratio per advertised power of the engine. As we have excluded down sizing for comparison that is the only reasonable way forward that I see. If you insist to compare engines of the same power than we need to discuss a different approach. But I'm confident we can agree on this one.

For another comparison I have researched what BMW did with their 1series 2L diesel engine. They basically sell the same engine in NA, low boost turbo and high boost turbo version.

116d -- 85 kW -- 4.5 L/100km -- 0.0053 L/100km*kW
118d --105 kW -- 4.5 L/100km -- 0.0042 L/100km*kW
120d --130 kW -- 4.7 L/100km -- 0.0036 L/100km*kW

If we set the 120d high boost turbo as 100% base line we find:

120d 100% baseline fuel consumption per power
118d 119% of baseline fuel consumption per power
116d 146% of baseline fuel consumption per power

I think the figures speak for themselves. The same basic engine becomes more powerful the higher the boosting is done. At the same time the mild boost comes without any increase in fuel consumption and the high boost produces massive additional power with very little additional fuel consumption. The logic tells us that the improved power specific fuel consumption is directly related to the size of the turbine that reclaims the boosting energy from the exhaust gas. Although this example is from a diesel engine the energy balance will work similarly in a petrol engine. In a petrol engine it is slightly more difficult because high injection pressures and controlling the ignition and combustion is more of a problem.
Last edited by WhiteBlue on 02 Nov 2012, 06:22, edited 1 time in total.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


WhiteBlue wrote:aussiegman, I believe that you are well aware what we are talking about. The issue is that according to my hypothesis turbo powered road and racing engines - and their cars if they are comparable - intrinsically need less petrol compared to naturally aspired engines.
I now understand much better what’s your hypothesising and in general terms agree with you, but perhaps not with “how” you are saying it. :)

Your general statement turbo powered road and racing engines “intrinsically need less petrol compared to naturally aspired engines” is not, and this is only in in my view, technically correct nor does it contain the required specificity to make it whole.

A similarly correct general statement would be that turbocharged engines actually require greater amounts of fuel during operation and as such your statement is not technically correctly which would seem at odds to what you are presenting.

Again this is a matter of engine efficiency vs. fuel efficiency or an engines ability to transfer energy into torque vs. its measure of fuel used per unit of distance traveled.

However I would agree with your hypothesis in so much as:
“turbo powered road and racing engines are generally more efficient engines compared to naturally aspired engines on a power per unit of fuel used basis”
WhiteBlue wrote: Your real world examples of fuel consumption are not really useful as there are no standardized methods for data generation.
Actually, they are. These figures are the standardised published figures from the manufacturer, Porsche AG, who use the same approved fuel efficiency tests as performed by BMW in your example and actually go further to proving your hypothesis and the engine efficiency argument vs. fuel efficiency issue. In your example:
WhiteBlue wrote: For another comparison I have researched what BMW did with their 1series 2L diesel engine. They basically sell the same engine in NA, low boost turbo and high boost turbo version.

116d -- 85 kW -- 4.5 L/100km -- 0.0053 L/100km*kW
118d --105 kW -- 4.5 L/100km -- 0.0042 L/100km*kW
120d --130 kW -- 4.7 L/100km -- 0.0036 L/100km*kW

If we set the 120d high boost turbo as 100% base line we find:

120d 100% baseline fuel consumption per power
118d 119% of baseline fuel consumption per power
116d 146% of baseline fuel consumption per power

Naturally we have difficulties to make comparisons due to the lack of data. And we also have problems to use consistent definitions for road cars and racing engines. All that should not be too confusing if we keep the objective in mind and use a consistent methodology for each category.

For the Porsche example:

For comparison these are the researched and manufacturer approved Porsche AG Cayenne 4.8Lt V8 engine urban cycle fuel consumption data. As with your BMW example, these are the same basic engine architectures in the same chassis, provided as NA (GTS), low boost turbo (Turbo) and high boost turbo (Turbo S).

Cayenne GTS - 294kW - 14.8L/100km - 0.0503 L/100km*kW
Cayenne Turbo - 368kW - 14.5 L/100km -- 0.0394 L/100km*kW
Cayenne Turbo S - 405kW – 15.8Lt/100KM -- 0.0390 L/100km*kW

If we set the Turbo S as 100% base line we find:

Turbo S 100% baseline fuel consumption per power
Turbo 101% of baseline fuel consumption per power
GTS 128.25% of baseline fuel consumption per power

The Porsche data shows, as does the BMW data, that in these cases the turbo engines whilst less fuel efficient is a more efficient engine when compared for power per unit of fuel used.
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Joined: 14 Apr 2008, 20:58
Location: WhiteBlue Country

Re: Talking to a turbo expert


That is Good enough for me. It shows that in the operating conditions which are used for comparison in the market place the turbocharged engines provides better fuel economy. All we need to look at now are the Racing engine examples that I provided. I am still of the opinion that the compared Turbo engines have higher BTE than their contemporary NA Engines.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2012, 07:16
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Re: Talking to a turbo expert


WhiteBlue wrote:That is Good enough for me. It shows that in the operating conditions which are used for comparison in the market place the turbocharged engines provides better fuel economy. All we need to look at now are the Racing engine examples that I provided. I am still of the opinion that the compared Turbo engines have higher BTE than their contemporary NA Engines.
I'd say you're likely correct given the fuel vs. power output for the engines discussed so far. I have some more detailed data at home somewhere, I just need to find it first!!
Never approach a Bull from the front, a Horse from the back, or an Idiot from any direction