apexspeed wrote:Thanks, JT. Your reply made me think a little harder about why I thought the data would be helpful. My emphasis was on "vs. time". My understanding is at the level you just described, which I feel is rather quasi-static. I can resolve forces at the contact patch into compression/tension in the upper and lower links, pushrod, and tie rod. I can sum forces and moments iteratively from a car running in a straight line to a car reaching maximum roll angle at maximum steady state lateral acceleration.
But as far as I know, this isn't real vehicle dynamics. This is Gillespie, or Puhn, or Staniforth, etc. It is sufficient to roll a new race car off the trailer for the first time, but that's about it, and only if the competition isn't any smarter.
If I take that narrow quasi-static view and switch it to the plan view, I start thinking about the yaw moment required to enter and exit a corner. The simple, 2-D front view taught me that rise of roll angle was always going to lag the rise of lateral acceleration, if for no reason other than moment of inertia of the sprung mass and damper forces. The plan view implies that the lateral acceleration will lag the force build up. Since the steering axle has to generate force at the contact patch/in the links first, or else there is no yaw moment, no yaw acceleration, then there will be tension/compression in all the front end links, including the pushrods, before significant lateral acceleration has been developed, which means not much rolling moment.
So let's just say all of the above amounts to my first question: how do roll angle and lateral acceleration lag yaw moment?
Then my next two questions would be:
How can I apply this knowledge to transient cornering? (My expectation is that the time constants associated with initial yaw acceleration are too small to be important for anything other than a transient scenario.)
How can I apply this knowledge to roll angle overall? (The quasi static front view iteration didn't reveal that when and how rapidly a control moment is applied would determine the roll rate.)
Please tell me if I'm on the wrong track!
I know what your looking for. I found your answer out in 1996. With strain gauges. However, I will suggest to you, a graph of suspension sensors which you probably have now.
Separate your roll measurement to front and rear (instead of one). (Push rod strains in use will make the following picture clearer when they are applied in the same manner mathematically)
Now, take and build a graphed signal of LF-RR (Lf +Rr) suspension and RF-LR (Rf-lr) suspension ( calculated movement at wheel is best), as this shows "in" roll effects and de-roll effects on the chassis.
Take one of the signals (depending on the track) and applying negative numbers so it opposes the other (instead of following each other). Add a comparison of front and rear rolls, and obviously along with driver inputs.
A little further advance would be to add a derivative (accelerations) to the wheel movement (individually) signals and plot along side. Bingo, there's your lag measurement!! Only thing next is figuring out, if the car rotation is driver induced or car induced and of course track induced, though there ain't a sensor that will tell you which one, only a combination of sensors will.
Should help answer your post #1 question, at least it did for me when I discovered the way to see it. Hope it helps you out.
"Driving a car as fast as possible (in a race) is all about maintaining the highest possible acceleration level in the appropriate direction." Peter Wright,Techical Director, Team Lotus