FoxHound wrote:@Gato
Nice fan club you got going there. Seems your non technical post, that informs no one of anything is worthy of an upvote. Bravo to you blue cat. =D>
Anyway, are you levelling some misguided accusation of hypocrisy at me?
downvote my post, if you feel it deserves it, or make a complain to the mods. I'm happy if they take away all the votes, that's not any concern to me.
You are the one, who likes to make assumptions about what others may think, mean or wanted to say, and you do so on a constant basis, that's one of the things I wanted to point out.
Then you make constant references and comparisons to other teams in an attempt to justify MGP's performance and explain away the reasons for their current showings, why is that? (and funny enough you post the definition of blame culture).
You make comparisons to RBR and saying, they didn't fire people or restructured their technical departments when things din't go to plan. Well in the meantime, I seem to remember that in 2009 Willis left or had to leave the team. ... -red-bull/
How, does this correlate to your statement about RBR? Did you twist the truth a bit to make your point?
After accusing me to label Bell and incompetent individual, because I ask, if he should assume responsible for the 2012 car, which he oversaw as TD, before being assigned a new role in mid 2012, according to you and a reference you provided, are you now saying that Bigois is a incompetent individual?
I don't thing any of that, and you missing the whole point by a country mile. Someone gave Bigois the job in the first place, and someone supported him/kept him in the job for 3 years. If he now leaves or was shown the door, what does this say about the other guy?
This is not about individuals (competent or otherwise) it's about a structure,it's a management issue first and foremost.
Does MGP has a performance orientated culture, were people are held responsible for their actions and decisions or not, is the question to what it boils down to, at least for me.
Unless, this is addresses, people will/can come and go, and not much will change.
You know the old saying "A champion team will beat a team of champions - more often then not".
Having a collection of high profile competent individuals does not equal a good team necessarily - there is a chance that it develops into one, but that is a process which needs to be actively managed, it does not happen automatically.
Under this premiss, let's look at some of the circumstantial evidence you like to use as explanation (or excuse) for their performance.
Yes, they had issues with their windt tunnel but were they foreseeable and anticipated or did that thing just burn to the ground mid season? If the later would have happened, then that's a valid argument/excuse-IMO. But that's not the case,
it's something the actively decided upon, after they lost touch with the leaders. They know full well, that Pirelli's 60% wind tunnel tyres are better then their 50% ones. They could have made the switch at a different time, if they have chose to do so. It's something they brought onto themselves. And even with that happen, you can look at Ferrari, who had issues to, but despite being faced with a similar situation, made a different decision, and came close to win the WDC nonetheless.
It's not what happen to you, it's what you make out of the situation that matters. You have little influence about the former, but all about the later.
Bigios departure may open the way for a better future, but we will have to wait and see, it was not only aero, who let them lose many points, especially in the first part of the season. There is a raft of other issues that should be looked at, and need to be resolved. So I would not single out Bigios as "the evil".
If MGP is on top of there operational side, as some seems to suggest, why have they made a step backwards in pitstop performance in 2012 ( or didn't improve at the same rate as others have)?
That has nothing to do with aero or wind tunnel calibration, therefore Bigois departure will do little to address these issues.
Look Foxhound, you may single me out as an hater or whatever, but I don't thing I am. I just don't like it, when people try to sell me a X for an U, and find fault with anyone and his dog, for explaining her own (her owns favorite teams) performance.
I admire and respect any fan of MGP, RBR ,McLaren , Ferrari or whichever team just as much.
But I would have a lot more respect, if someone step up, and say "yes we under performed massively compared to our own expectations, we have no one but ourselves to blame for it. But I'm still a fan of this team/brand and I will keep my faith and confidence in their ability to come out on top at the end". Then these constant picking at others, and trying to belittle others performances, just to make ones own heroes look a little bit better or less bad.
MGP has all the chance, to get on top of their issues, other have in the past other will do so in the future, but it want happen unless they take a good hard look at them self, accept reality for what it is, and making the right decisions at the right time.
I will leave now, not wanting to be more of a nuisance to you and other like minded MGP fans, enjoy the thread/forum - I wish you well, let's see what the future holds, but it would be nice if one could have a rational debate, discussion on here over about any topic.