Tim.Wright wrote:gixxer_drew wrote:Tim.Wright wrote:Because measuring acceleration is not going to give you push rod force
Accelerometers on the uprights and the chassis, work out the positional. It has a level of accuracy, but so does everything else we talked about here. Cheap enough to do to your family car since I dont think anyone is going to post up their team's strain gauge data.
Position won't give you a reliable measure of strain or force on the spring though. Consider the case where you have steady cornering on a smooth road (turn 8 at Turkey). The vertical hub accelerometer will be reading practically zero but you have massive loads from cornering and vertical aero force going through the spring. Its these constant "DC" loads which accelerometers miss.
Hub accelerometers are mainly useful when trying to recreate bump profiles on a circuit. Its then quite a convuluted path to get from accelerometer reading to spring load (or push rod strain). The only way I can think to do it via "calculation" would need good knowledge of the dampers dynamics and an iterative approach.
speedsense wrote: We do use Front/Rear Accelerometers over the axle plane of the suspension (inboard on the chassis center), mostly for US/OS navigation and calculation of Yaw (even with Yaw sensor). There are uses of accelerometers at the uprights, but mostly for accelerations and shock work. The presence of upright acceleration is used more frequently in off road racing but again for accelerations of the wheel. These are normally in conjunction with either load measurement through load cells (built into shock tops for instance) or strain gauging pushrods.
Also to add, the steering tie-rods are also strain gauged, for reasons of measuring under steer.
A couple of questions speedsense;
Why do you use front and rear accelerometers if you have a yawrate sensor?
What does the tierod strain gauge have to do with understeer?
Because a yaw rate only shows an acceleration of rotation. You don't know, without further investigation, if the rotation is driver induced, car induced or track induced. With the added accelerometer of front and rear, it helps further define the hardest aspect to analyze, under steer. The grip level (front to rear and cross) is more defined with the added accelerometer, when combined with other sensors, such as steering. Over steer is an obvious analyst, under steer is subjective, not in engineering, but were the driver is concerned. It differs between drivers. For instance a driver with a gokart background views understeer differently than a driver with no background in karting. The slightest hint of understeer is bad to a an ex-karter and might not be understeer to someone else.
I can safely say that you can put drivers in two categories, those who can rotate a car and make do what he/she wants, eg: driving beyond under steer with induced rotation, effectively killing it or reduction of it, for example. And the other type, a driver who needs the car to rotate for them. These are two entirely different setup approaches. As an analyst, you have to know the difference. Absolute number finding or number crunching does not work here.
When one accelerometer is used, you have an "overall" grip level in combination graphs, typically steering angle and Lat G. Having front and rear Lat G, the "grip level" is more defined to front and rear when subjected to the same type comparison, and puts the analyst closer/focused on what the driver feels/needs depending on their driver technique.
The tie rod strain gauge, is a "trick" I learned running banked ovals. Banked ovals create a few strange phenomenon's in drivers. The lateral G is combined with vertical g. In such a way the road racing driver "feels" G force on a road course from between his hips. On banked ovals the same cornering force is now being felt from his left shoulder going through his right hip, on a left turning high bank oval. The driver can no longer judge the grip level of the car in a normal way. He must now rely on his steering wheel, more exactly his forearms. Heaviness in his forearms, means understeer about to happen. Lightness in his forearms means oversteer. This is because, on ovals, loads are vertical and lateral G, so roll increases on one end of the car create problems/ handling issues due to load and typically that end of the car with the most roll will let go first. Very different than road courses. Hence, the strains allow you to see the loads your driver is feeling at the wheel.
Adding tie rod strains on road race cars, further illustrates/helps define in the analyst of under steer through load the driver feels at the wheel. Reduced load in the tie rod at certain points in a corner are loss of grip. It's just one more point of measurement of U/S.
In engineering terms and in some data programs, we can define under steer on a car. But in driver terms can you? If I could strain my driver's hands and feet, I would.
In my mind, knowing everything, every decision, every thought process, every point of recall (data systems are well beyond his recall) and combining that with a balanced car suited to him, leads more often than not, to a winning car.
As always in MHO
"Driving a car as fast as possible (in a race) is all about maintaining the highest possible acceleration level in the appropriate direction." Peter Wright,Techical Director, Team Lotus