Again, amazing to see how the 'fanboyism' gets to most, even in this thread, on this topic.
The lap looked genuinely amazing. That 2nd to last corner was by far one of the best I've ever seen on TG. He really flirted with the limit of the car. But you know... It's Top Gear. Every scene is scripted and even most of the dialogues are... Makes you wonder about how real everything is.
I think the time is genuine, but what bothers me with this is the '2nd chance'. I really hate the F1 driver laps, because they are in no way equal. Rain, oil, damp, ice, etc... It's so different with each driver, on each day. Same goes with the 'Star in a...'. Adding the factor that he's had the chance to practice for several hours on the track, makes it hard to 100% appreciate the time.