Hi there. Nick, great job for following this up and keeping the conversation flowing. If you want to contact me, try
info@hibouscientificsoftware.com.au or post on
http://www.cfd-online.com with [KVRC] I am checking it more frequently than F1Technical.
Re wind tunnel model: please download from:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/40499338/KVRC2 ... 180mph.skp. It has annotations to try to explain how to set things up. Nick, can you supply the wheel/suspension for them to run the simulations?
For the 2012 test run, I used the following workflow:
- Set the car up in a stand-alone model (i.e group the body and the wheels in separate groups, i.e 5 groups) and then group the car in a single group;
- Move the car so that the front wheels are aligned with the red "x" axis with the car facing downwards (in a top view). The lowest point of the wheel is set to 5mm below the ground plane (z=0);
- Open the root model and copy and paste the wind tunnel around the car.
The above workflow requires that the car boundary conditions are setup again, but it is easier than trying to copy and paste the car geometry. The model provided should allow the way described above or to copy and paste the car geometry.
If you want to run preliminary simulation, you can neglect the tyre rotation and just copy and paste the whole car into the body group.
Wind tunnel only:
180mph scenario:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/40499338/root% ... 180mph.skp
100mph scenario:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/40499338/root% ... 100mph.skp
100mph scenario with 3degree yaw:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/40499338/root% ... %20yaw.skp