I’m new to this site and thought it would be interesting to get involved as you guys seem to have a great knowledge on this particular subject.

I wanted to ask for some help on an engineering project that I am working on at university. It involves designing front suspension for a kit car. The car has a custom-built space frame chassis but uses commercial engine and transmission parts.
For the front suspension, a double wishbone design with a 'coil over' configuration of the spring and shock absorber/damper has been specified. A commercial upright, hub and wheel have been sourced. My job is to design the wishbones, upper pick up point of the spring/damper, the custom spring and also select a suitable adjustable shock absorber.
Now my question is where can I get information on previous designs and basically get a specification for the kit car suspension. I need this information so I can work with it and create a PDS for a new design I intend to make.
These are the sort of questions I need answering from previous designs:
Who makes theses?
What do they cost?
What are the dimensions?
So if you could provide links to sites who deal in this stuff it would be great
