2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


MWcrazyhorse wrote:Yes I'll concede there was the "multi 2-1" order apparently. Meaning the #2 driver is to finish ahead of the #1 driver.
All of a sudden Red Bull does team orders?
It's well known that Red Bull have had team orders for years. "Maintain the gap" and all that. Until today Vettel was the beneficiary with the team to the extent that there have been many accusations of bias in the team and the team had to put out statements saying that they would have done the same had the drivers been the other way round on track.
MWcrazyhorse wrote:But it is idiotic. Apart form being bad for the sport.
You don't order the #1, the champion to not overtake.
I am not entirely sure if that has sunken in at Red Bull yet. IF (big IF) you have team order you tell #2 to let #1 pass.
:lol: Else you let them race.
Red Bull needs to work on that.
That's all your opinion and flies in the face of what Red Bull have done in the past. It also doesn't excuse Vettel lying about the incident.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Team orders aside because they are perfect legal in F1, the interesting part for me is Vettel ignored the team instruction to use a fuel saving setting. He turned back to (or simply left it on) a richer mix, and used that to his advantage to overtake his team mate. Webber provided a pretty robust defence considering he was on a fuel saving mix. Vettel's attitude seemed to be pass and gap his team mate, and then let the team deal with the fuel saving from that point on, because once he was in the lead it wasn't likely to change again.

The situation is the same now. He's got the victory, and now he'll apologise, lose respect, take a telling off etc. etc. but he's got the victory and that's not going to change. He's not the mister nice guy he makes all his adoring fans believe he is.

One interesting, and under looked part of the race was the final stops. Vettel was not the lead Red Bull but he was allowed to pit first. Perhaps when he failed to make the difference on the undercut, that's when the team decided to call it off?

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


f1316 wrote:Frustrating from ferrari perspective; reminds me alotv of Canada 2011 when they really could have done without the rain.
In Canada Ferrari clearly had dry setup ,that's why they were 2-3 in qualy . Has Macca done a dry setup they could have been 1-2 in qualy . Massa was competitive in the latter part of the race when it was dry and not at the beginning .

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


When you are fighting for your 4th world championship on a row.
In a year where everything is going to be really closed, for the look of it. And every single point counts.
You don't want to create what it is suppose to be second driver on the team your enemy.
Because if needed in the future he will not help at all.
This is a real demostration of a child and selfish actitude.
I hope he doesn't pay for it but I wouldn't be surprise if he does.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


This is what I have meant when I said in web chat that the problem is not simply that Vettel disobeyed orders.

Its the fact that Mark has definitely had to do his fair amount of "taking one for the team" to help Seb over the years, and this one time where Seb had to do the same, he was both slating Mark over the radio quite disrespectfully and couldn't find it in himself to return the favour and help Mark.

Its a showing of a complete lack of respect.
Last edited by GrizzleBoy on 24 Mar 2013, 13:54, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Joie de vivre wrote:It's just unbelievable how some people are unable to understand simple logic!

After the last pit stop Webber was infront of Vettel and if they were still racing freely, Webber would have finished 1st and Vettel second. But team decided for both drivers not to push and calm down to perserve tyres, engine, gearbox ... all the material. Webber did obey team orders because he relied on that! Vettel didn't! And this is very selfish move!

It's just that simple.
I agree. And still Vettel has the guts to go ahead after the race and say "I didn't know" and "that's the truth". Seriously, wtf ? That's some real messed up attitude to begin with.
Last edited by Shrieker on 24 Mar 2013, 13:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


If Mark has decided to quit, then it may well be an interesting rest of the season. Don't expect Mark to abide by a single team order from now on.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang



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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


"...and there, very much in flames, is Jacques Laffite's Ligier. That's obviously a turbo blaze, and of course, Laffite will be able to see that conflagration in his mirrors... he is coolly parking the car somewhere safe." Murray Walker, San Marino 1985

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Ferrari was painful to watch, Massa was invisible and Alonso had very bad luck, I saw wings with better damage staying 10 laps on the car without falling.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Coulthard would've been proud.

edit. for clarification: of the finger
Last edited by JMN on 24 Mar 2013, 14:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang



Vettel interview.
If someone said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my second to be in Formula 1, my third to drive for Ferrari.

Gilles Villeneuve

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


rssh wrote:I think trust is not there the other way around Seb doesn't trust Web period . Reasons if you have the Brazil 2012 race you can clearly see that Webbo didn't give a **** about the championship battle btw ALO and SEB he almost blocked him 4 times in the race and gave him the position back after repeated team instruction (Horner today confirmed it) . In 2011 when Webbo was told to hold station he raced SEB in the latter part of the race (still didn't get past =D> ) ,WEB own manager Flavio even said he would have told him to hold station (if he was the team principle) . In Silverstone 2011 Seb was given WEB wing because he was higher in championship (look at what Lotus is doing with GRO now and its fair enough)

In todays race it was clear that Web couldn't last the tyres as Seb could (check the slow mo replays and you can see the amount of degradation on WEB hard vs SEB med in the 2nd stint ,and SEB made them last longer) . Next due to WEB pacing and Hamilton pitting SEB lost 2nd place due to WEB pitting before than him (maybe this pissed SEB off :mrgreen: ).

This was the payback time for SEB (call me a fanboy but these points are hard to argue) and not lack of sportsmanship cause if WEB would have been in his position chances are that he would have done the same :x .
If all that were true (it isn't) then why didn't Vettel just say that. Why did he feel the need to lie and why did the team feel the need to tell him he had some explaining to do? You won't get away from the fact that Vettel is lying to your face about what happened, and you talk about trust...

Joined: 24 Mar 2013, 12:32

Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Thanks for posting the "maintain the gap" Video.
I love the kid. He nails it.
Vettel:"Be wise now, be wise."
"Maintain the gap are you having a laugh."
It is like telling Messi not to do anything fancy. I don't like your chances with that.
RACING all the way!
Vettel is totally honest about it till the end. I am overtaking the guy and nothing you can say will stop me.
Maybe the team should have told that to Webber. Webber has only them to blame. Tough luck.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


"...and there, very much in flames, is Jacques Laffite's Ligier. That's obviously a turbo blaze, and of course, Laffite will be able to see that conflagration in his mirrors... he is coolly parking the car somewhere safe." Murray Walker, San Marino 1985