So, I've taken on a little project for the easter break, and decided to CAD up a 2014 version of an F1 wing... something to relieve the boredom.
Anyway, trying to do it properly, and to all the prescribed dimensions for 2014, I've coming across an interesting anonmaly... basically, when plotting out the prescribed 500mm centre section in section (as per drawing 7, p77 of the 2014 regs), it results in an aerofoil that is nose up in incidence... and not parallel to the reference plane as expected.
I've checked it vs the 2013 regs, and its the same section... so my question is this, to those more knowledgeable on this.. is this section meant to be nose up? I wonder if it's something to do with trying to create a neutral section to the airflow when actually fitted and running on the car, taking rake and pitch into account?
Additionally, I tried rotating the the section to be parallel to the reference plane, but this just then results in the section being below the lowest bondary when the TE reference corner is in postion, or the TE reference corner being well out of location when the section is above the 75mm boundary... so I'm not sure thats the solution!
Anyway, a picture to help describe...
Red lines are the front wing bodywork zones
Green lines are for the section reference point on the TE bottom rear corner
Blue lines are the section is as per the described section
Purple lines are the section is rotated parallel to the reference plane... which as mentioned above, then falls outside the bodywork zones (red lines)
Thoughts anyone?
And I'll post up the finished article when done in the projects area